Wednesday, December 31, 2003

mY |iFE


lolx... hiya ppl, today kinda fun... laze around n did m ec this morning, then bout 6+ went for dinner with my family, at sake sushi, i am soooo full, even now!!! then went to fort canning for kirby's church's new yr's countdown, well, was kinda boring @ the start, then ppl started jumping up n down at the up-beat praises. tonight is the 1st time i seen so many youngsters so devoted to the Lord... quite overwhelmed n felt out of place when a really loving song for the Lord came up, saw 2 girls crying... so emotional man... -_-"... well, i muz say, this was an eye opener, but sorry kirbs, it was kinda boring, the preaching part... no offense... however, it was really great to see so many hundreds of teens gathered at one spot to praise the one God they love so much, lolx... anyway, left a little earlier, n m @ home now, still haven completed my HMWK!!! omg?!?! how?!?! lolx... bbye...

Sunday, December 28, 2003

mY |iFE


holla ppl!!! love playing gunbound still... lolx... got a friendster acc, so ppl, if u have friendster acc, pls add moi, thanx... lol... well... sch reopening, n i still haven finish my hmwk... DIE!!! lolx... have to do extra THEORY... *groan* hate it... yesterday had our sch's musical epoch concert... i was involved in it cos of choir, had to practice so many times juz to appear for 10 mins... so pathetic... somemore must wait there the whole of yesterday, but, kirby, n my other frens appeared there, kirby went to support me... hehe... thanx!!! then went to my grandfather's X'mas dinner... then came home n played gunbound... wad else to say... hm... i want n dun want sch to reopen, wierd eh? lolx... used to no sch aledi... lolx... 2mths no sch... quite shiok... lolx... anyway, bbyez...

Thursday, December 25, 2003

mY |iFE


heyz ppl.. sorry... really lazy to update, no mood... everyday is ok... but have hmwk, i haven finish!!! omg... so cham... christmas eve, my friends n i went to orchard rd, it was so fun!!! at 12 midnight, we all went down from the hotel n started walking to Borders area, b4 we reach there, it was 12 midnight aledi, n we didnt even know it! crazy eh? well, nearing Borders area, it was HAVOC!!! so crowded!!! ppl were spraying foam n crazy ribbon @ each other, even ppl they dunno, my dad took a video of it, it was so fun!!! justin n henry got sprayed until very cham, then end up me n li ling oso got foam all over!!! it was really fun n only after 2+ than i went to slp... too bad kirby couldnt stay! =(... anyway, byez... got theory to do, tml morn piano lesson, but i dun care le... tml than see... haha... bbye, gunbound ROX!!!

Sunday, December 21, 2003

mY |iFE


heyz ppl!!! really long time no update... last sat was my mum's concert, my fren went along to help, then went for my grandaunty's BD dinner... then monday night went to KOREA!!! so happy... went there till today... made 3 new frens... so nice... unfortunately, they stay @ woodlands... -_-... but can still meet... the details of the trip i lazy to write... hehe... all i will say is tads its freakin cold... but very shuang...when got used to the cold, then hafta go back aledi... so sad... but was really fun, esp the skiing... anyway... came back aledi, the taxi driver so huai pi qi... glad to be home too, o, btw, saw msq in korea today morning, take same flight back oso!!! aniway, byezie...

Friday, December 12, 2003

mY |iFE


hiya ppl!!! long time no blog huh? sorriz... i juz so lazy these days... this week is the BEST man!!! rox in stereo!!! haha... tuesday was my mother's childcare's concert rehearsal with my friends, who went along to help... then wednesday, woke up sooo late, went to see Rugrats Go Wild with friends then went to my mum's pottery exhibition together... after that went to Clarke Quay for dinner... hilarious dinner... haha... bout 9 plus liddat went to orchard road to see the christmas lights, not much, but ok lo... walk from wheelock place to around phoniex hotel there... we were all tired, hahahaha... bought ice-cream to eat, the coffee not bad, but i preferred my choc... the time reach home, half dead lo, but enjoyed myself lots lots... thursday... nothing much really... went for track n field... run the 300m dash sia... 1 min 03 secs... after running tad cannot run anymore aledi... maybellyn run 1 min 02 secs, @ 1st behind me by alot, then suddenly catch up, all the others @ the finish line encouraging us, but cannot run faster means cannot... haha... then went home for a bath, went to Mothergoose... then went for tuition... so on... hm... there's one girl who is 16, quite pretty, and i feel VERY inferior beside her... shld i??? she around i feel so uncomfortable... well... went to Mothergoose again today... last concert practice... then had to go back for piano... hmphz... hehe... well... started playing gunbound today... its quite fun actually... hahaha...tml one of my frens oso going to my the Mothergoose concert, well, i needa go sleep aledi... tml is a long day 4 me... have the concert then my grandaunty's BD dinner... ok kirby, i will go n buy teens mag... nitez... *yawnz*

Sunday, December 7, 2003

mY |iFE


la di dah! nothing to do... actually, got lots of things can do, just lazy... esp THEORY... i cant stand it... do so many papers... its HOLIDAY for goodness sake... n i must prepare for exam... i have piano lesson TWICE a week... once a week i cant stand aledi!!! actually... piano is not so bad la... i just sick of doing theory so say all these not nice things bout it... hehe... :-$ tml going to Tampines East CC with my friends, my mother's childcare having concert rehearsal... we going to help out... looking forward to tml!!! hahaha.... B.O.R.E.D... i could be @ Mothergoose now, but bcos i have piano in about 1 min, i have to come back... o well... later must go back to Mothergoose again for concert practice... hehehehe... anyway... wad to do... aiya... wait teacher come aledi! bye!!!!

Friday, December 5, 2003

mY |iFE


hey ppl... no mood to blog these days... not very exciting... almost everyday go to my mum's childcare... help out... the kids soooo cute!!! heehehe... byez...

Wednesday, December 3, 2003

mY |iFE


heyz ppl! today is a TERRIFIC day!!! after going to buy books wif my frens, i walked all the way to my mother's childcare... haha, they kept asking where Michelle and John was, and the boys keep bugging me to ask John come =D its great since they rarely have a male figure in the centre =P anyway... had to go to my mother's teacher's house to pick up her pottery, turned put nice man! then went to concourse and help my mum buy her stuff... so pooped... reach home have dinner n a nice long hot shower... felt better... now finish typing out home econs work watching tv, not many ppl online... byez... oya, just added another link, very cute, so-called penguin love story...

Tuesday, December 2, 2003

mY |iFE


heyz ppl... nothing much to update... very happy... someone sms me =D u can guess... haha... anyway... watching korean drama now... going to buy books tml... anyway... must do short stories book report by tonight... byez...

Sunday, November 30, 2003

mY |iFE


hey ppl!!! i just added MTV flashes, they ROCK!!! there's Jay Chou, SHE and David Tao!!! go check it out! its at the bottom of the page! dun feel like updating these few dayz... yesterday went for wedding dinner... so romantic!!! it was soooo nice lo... haha, i so happy for the couple!!! i wish it was me man!!! it was soooooooo romantic!!! haha!!!! anyway, m pooped... gonna have piano soon... yikes!!! hahaha... finished my theory... shld i be guai kia and do more??? yeah, maybe i shld, haha!! byez!!!

Thursday, November 27, 2003

mY |iFE


hiya! sorry... these few days dun feel like updating blog, lazy :P... wednesday was very very fun! 9+am met John and Michelle @ my house, then we went to my mum's childcare, had lots of fun sia!!! esp when we play soccer with the K2s, one boy called Xersis so funny, too long to explain here... after that we went to Chinatown for dinner, eat stingray.. hehehehe... i go n buy satay, wait for almost half n hour, bored to death... no one talk to... hmph... haha... then we go n walk walk after that, n then saw these porcelain balls, John go n shake, then got sounds like bells liddat, haha, my mum bought a pair... its for blood circulation or something liddat... send Michelle and John home aledi, go home had a bath n fell asleep... soooo tired that day man... but it was so fun!!! dun mind having another day like that... yesterday went for track and field 8 - 10am... so song... then come home play SIMS... now waiting for that cheehen come to practice for the song thing, he is still sleeping!!!!! PIG!!!! Li Ling here aledi... aiya, tonight than blog again... byez!

Monday, November 24, 2003

mY |iFE


hiya! sorry, these 2 days very boring... so didnt update... spent all day playing SIMS, today have piano, did a little english, and nothing else... getting very lazy... well, tml got track n field, then muz go lumpy house n practice the song again... tad cheehen better come! if not im gonna skin him! hmph... cannot back out... so suck... anyway, bye... nothing to say... byebye...

Saturday, November 22, 2003

mY |iFE


hmz.... wa... today so nice... in the morning, me n kirby go my father's mother's house for BD luch.. then we come back n meet the others.... after that we go to Safra for bowling... it was raining today so couldnt go beach, go my house, when we come back, the girls, isaac n I came back 1st, so we were waiting for the other boys to come back, then we bomb them with water bombs! haha! so fun... b4 tad, xm, val n dice found a kitten on the roadside, brought it back and gave it food, then let it out again... it was so cute!!! hahaha... anyway... the others just went home... finally peace n quiet... tads stupid jonathan just now go n sign into my msn account n chat to nelson say i love him, want him be my stead n all that crap, lucky nelson nvr belief... hmph... wa... today end up 12 ppl come, henry, edwin, isaac, jonathan, nicholas, xiu mei, candice, valarie, vanessa, li ling n i.. hahaha... kirby... dun think so much bout wad i told u last night... look on the bright side remember?! i wan go watch MOVIE!!! dun like being @ home... hmph... nothing to say aledi... bye!!! o ya, n i burned my finger, boohoo... pain... hmph...

Friday, November 21, 2003

mY |iFE


hiya! 2day kirby, lumpy n xm came over to plan the BBQ thingy... we all fill water bombs half the time, then ended up playing until we were all wet!!! haha!!! it wan so fun lo... kirby still here, she sleeping over today, lumpy, dun u dare read any of my sms any more!!! n dun be angry wif kirby la... cant wait for tml! too bad no Temasekians going... :'( nxt week going to be FREE!!! not much things on... hopefully wun be boring... hey anyone wan go watch movie with me?!??! tell me pls!!! hahahaha

Thursday, November 20, 2003

mY |iFE


haiz... now kirby n cheeboon cant make it for the singing performance, must find a way to contact the organisers n cancel, if not must find another boy to sing in cheeboon's place! tad will be soooo hard lo... btw, TRACK N FIELD ROX MAN!!! i love it!!! haha... sounds crazy, yeahyeah... not! haha... so tiring, but i like it! wad else happened today... hm... nothing... haha... i finished reading 2 books today, something i have not done for a long time... nxt week like very free leh... besides track n field practices on tues n thurs, got nothing on... for 2 weeks lo... hmz... that will be VERY boring!!! hahahahhaha... cant wait to go to Korea man.. SNOW! SNOW! SNOW!!! aiya... muz go do theory now... hmphz... bye!!!!

Wednesday, November 19, 2003

mY |iFE


hiya! hm... wads there to update today... well... sleep until very late today, then wake up needa go sch for choir... i dun like it... tml got choir practice, i wan skip... hehe... naughty me =P.. tml muz go tampines stadium for track n field... just finish watching Winter Sonata 3½ episodes... i cried lo... haha... so sad the story... this is my 5th time watching, n i still love it! haha!!! lame sia me... yes! gonna get broadband on friday, FINALLY!!! yes!!! if not dial-up connection always disconnect wan... haha!!! anyway, nothing to write liao... bye!

Tuesday, November 18, 2003

mY |iFE


heyz ppl, i just added horoscope links, go check them out!
mY |iFE


hi again... came nack from Parkway bout 2 hrs ago... just finish piano lesson... =P yesterday was SOOOO fun man!!! my life like so happy nowadays... not so miserable like last time b4 n after exam tad period, dunno y so moody... hm... anyway, yesterday john n michelle, not my class tad michelle, came to my mother's school to help out. we all did the props, then bring the K2s out to play bball n soccer, HAD SO MUCH FUN!!! the kids keep imitating john's hairstyle, go n put water on their fringe n spike it up, HAHA!!! i laugh so much... then they start calling him mr john n spiky hair, it was such a fun time we had... hm, i dun think he regret michelle forcing him to come now eh? haha! after most of the children go back aledi, we went to Tampines interchange the food court, east link or something, the name, go n have dinner... i almost fell asleep on the bus back, so tired! anyway, THANK YOU MICHELLE N JOHN FOR COMING TO HELP YESTERDAY!!! the kids all enjoyed the company too!!! today went to parkway with kirbs, lumpy, val n xm, after go giant, we go window shopping n all that, go see clothes, then go for lunch n all tad... so fun sia... cant wait for sat lo... got the BBQ... anyway, say too much become old lady... haha! hmph. grandma nagging for me to go n bathe, always scold wan, hmph. bye!!! haha...

Monday, November 17, 2003

mY |iFE


hey, yesterday come back so lazy to update, now going to parkway wif lumpy kirby n val, xm maybe oso, i dunno, going to buy stuff for the BBQ, so, come back than update! byez!

Sunday, November 16, 2003

mY |iFE


sorry didnt write in for 2 days, getting lazy to update everyday, =P haha... these two days rox man! go TM help out abit here n there, help until soooo tired... but enjoyed myself alot... see my frens, laugh n talk n joke so fun, yesterday Shi Jia came n support, then today Val n Kirby came to support, THANK YOU!!! sorry couldnt go shopping wif u all (Kirbs n Val) =P heh... anyway, so tired last night, couldnt go online... now i so tired oso, slept in the car =P aiya, i talking nonesense boring stuff aledi, bye! tml go my mother's childcare help out with my frenz =P cant wait! byebye.

Friday, November 14, 2003

mY |iFE


hm.... there's something bothering me, but i cant place a finger on it. its my best fren... hmph. dunno wads wrong man... anyway, dun wanna think so much, tml go TM, cant wait. but got stupid choir b4 tad, i wanna QUIT CHOIR! hmph, tad Mrs Loke sure dun allow wan. not with the musical epoch coming up... hmph. argh, wad to do, see la, cause of choir tml, cannot go for track and field. hmph. today go Mothergoose again, quite fun! go again every possible day!!! hahahaha... nothing to say aledi, byez...

Thursday, November 13, 2003

mY |iFE


hm... like got something wrong with my blog... today got track n field training again... so tiring, but after training n a bath, feel so good sia!!! i love track n field!!! however, choir sux... haiya... still cannot quit, must wait until nxt yr... hmph... wad to do... haiya... tml go Mothergoose again!!! ooya!!! haha... nothing to say liao... byebye...

Wednesday, November 12, 2003

mY |iFE


hm... my days like so carefree now, no worries, no heartache... haha... dunno y oso... today go Mothergoose, so fun... the K2 children's last yr.. hai... so sad... nxt yr cannot see them aledi... huh... well... its liddat... haha... today go for chinese tuition, then the tuition centre nvr open... man... i wait outside half an our sit on da floor, then i take bus back lo... man! i tml n everyday free wanna go to Mothergoose... so fun sia... haha, its fun until they all gang up on me n tickle me, haha! aiyo... i one day training yesterday, now my legs aching, tml got training again.. man... haiz... no way im skipping though! nothing to say aledi... byez...

Tuesday, November 11, 2003

mY |iFE


sorry, lazy to update blog... just joined track n field... very fun, but running up the hill super tiring sia... got side stitch... haiz... so tired... now got choir n track n field... so tiring... haiz... Kang Yu, John, Jun Ji and Johan dun wan come... hmph... nvm la... haiz... i so tired... just finish piano lesson... man... nothing to talk about... bought new pinafold 'dress' yesterday from tis fashion, SO NICE SIA!!! anyway, cant wait for the weekends to come, nothing to say aledi... byebye... hehe only done 4 jian bao... no other hmwk... =P

Friday, November 7, 2003

mY |iFE


This day ROX!!! im so happy! but i cannot write here =P haha... hmph... hao xin mei hao bao wan... :(... aiya... 4get it... haha... i saw *him* today... im so happy!!! bye bloggie... thank goodness yesterday thing blow over, shld be i guess... hopefully... tml going to lumpy's house... hmph, her mama dun allow her come, luckily my mum finally agree lemme go... heng sia... lucky if not the BBQ cannot plan properly... heyz!!! Ng Kang Yu, John Tay, try come kae?!?!?! we purposely change date so that hopefully u 2 can make it... haha... no pressure... just kidding... hai... so wu liao... must do jian bao... if not tml grandma scold... byez!!!

Thursday, November 6, 2003

mY |iFE


wa... lumpy n kirbs... ur blogs very harsh man... dun make me feel worse leh... o man... oi u all... pls dun liddat leh... plsplspls... reply through msn or email leh... i know u all very angry kae... haiz...
mY |iFE


i feel awful n horrible, but its over now... feeling better... but my heart feels very uncomfortable, like there's something bottled up inside that's gonna explode, i need to talk to someone, but, no one will listen... n i dun think i can take it any more, i hate this uncomfortable feeling, i wanna talk to KY but he's busy, hmph.... ask me call back later... man... now i think too late to call him aledi... haiz... wait tml call dunno whether he will be irritated n think i wu liao... hmph... he can easily make me feel betta always... haha... dunno y... but he's not available always i guess...when can i see *him* again... i miss him so much... haha... im pathetic man... kirbs, lumps, val, dun take it tad way... but if i didnt tell u all, n u all eventually find out, wun be angry wid me meh??? or u all wan me reject invitation???

Wednesday, November 5, 2003

mY |iFE


o MAN!!! im crying! i cant believe it... i dunno how to expres that feeling man, i wanna scream my heart out n cry until im dehydrated liddat... WAD ON EARTH!!! boohoo.........
mY |iFE


o man... i just wrote down all my anger n everything, but deleted it and decided to keep it to myself... haiz... y is life such... so sux...

Tuesday, November 4, 2003

mY |iFE


this day sux... so boring... come back from microsoft course thingy then watch tv, then go online, then sleep... wad a LOVELY day... yeah right...

Monday, November 3, 2003

mY |iFE


boohoo... im so sad... made the call, n its the answer i expected... a bad answer... i ashamed to admit, but, i cried a little teeny bit, for wad reason i dunno... but... hai... this is the way it has to be a guess... boohooo....
mY |iFE


hai... this day sux... morning had to go for choir, then almost fell asleep during choir, so tired... come back then sleep aledi... now im gonna call someone, afraid of the answer the person will give me, i very worried... haz... this day SUX!

Sunday, November 2, 2003

mY |iFE


wa, this day oso very good!!! go suntec from 11.30 to 7.30, so tired... i dun wan write why i am happy, keep it to myself =P... i'll definately remember, hahaz... =P... soooo tired, legs aching like hell, but would rather ache for ages than nvr go support today...

Saturday, November 1, 2003

mY |iFE


this is day rox in stereo!!! ooya!!! went to suntec with Isaac, Justin, Edwin, Li Ling and Vanessa. took 1½ hr just to get there, by the time i reach there, i so dead tired aledi... then pass hairdryer to Kang Yu they all aledi then go walk walk n book movie tickets, watched uptown girls. HAPPY BIRTHDAY LUMPY!!! 2day ur BD, cause pass midnight aledi =P... after that very sianz... walk here n there, then the boys went back. then me n lumpy n kirby went down to the entrepunership thingy again, bought alot of keychains consideringly... haha, then my mum came n bought things too. after that, we went to have dinner, thank goodness, my legs almost broke with tiredness man... walk here n there nvr sit... me kirby n lumpy bought lime drink, then kirby nvr finish, then we offer it to Jun Ji, haha, then HE DRANK IT!!! o man... i almost cried with laughter... n tad kirby ah, i will get my revenge ok, go n push me until i hit Jun Ji... after that aledi 7++, so tired, so went back. tad was not all, but i dun think i will write here, someting happened after i reacher home, now im on 7th heaven!!! tml going to help with the sales, will be quite a good experience i think... haha, nothing else, byez!!!

Friday, October 31, 2003

mY |iFE


yes!!! tml going suntec with lumpy kirby they all!!! ooya!! cant wait...
mY |iFE


argh!!! im so angry!!! i missed getting a scholarship by 2 places in school!!! o man... last 2 yrs got, this yr cannot get... :'(... *sobz*.... hai.... 28/266 for school level... sux... must be 26 to get scholarship... maths and science miss by ONE mark to get A1... :@... :'(... pathetic... class position 10/38... haiz... no improvement from mid-yr... only level position go up by 20... but... so wad... cannot get edusave scholarship... :(... today must clean up the class, scrub tables and walls, and so on... Maxine didnt come today, then i have to bring home three huge piles of books, lucky Rehana and Audrey helped... n thank goodness i was going for tuition, so my grandmother fetch me, if not, no way to go home aledi... in da morning, Mrs Loke make us watch a movie on Mozart... not VERY interesting... then chinese period we all can play games... whippee... today is not a brilliant day though... only average... o well, going for a halloween party, little kid neighbour next door invited, mother say is only polite to go... so im gonna dress up in a garbage bag n be a wicked witch... lame, but, no one would see me there... =P...

Thursday, October 30, 2003

mY |iFE


argh... im going half mad... nothing is right... only left 1 more day of sch... n i haven even said a word to him for so long... it's not like im dumb... wads wrong with me... im just afraid that he will avoid me n decline my invitation if i invite him out or anything... anyway... where got chance... so many ppl like him, im just another girl from sec 1... not as if im THAT noticeable anyway...

i dunno whether i should ask my temasek guy frens out, dunno whether they will say yes, they say no, i feel bad n somehow embarrassed... dunno wad to do... weird, i feel totally normal asking my gmps guy frens out, but i dunno when i ask my temasek guy frens out they will find it irritating or a bore... well.. i'll just ask n see... after all, two whole months, dun keep contact, friendship will gorw further, thats what im afraid of... n next yr changing seats n all tad... i dun wanna!!! i like my place the way it is... so many good friends around... its harder to keep a good friendship when u dun sit near your guy friend... cause u dun talk as much... hai... i really dun wanna lose their friendship... just hope they will agee to going out for fun, whether it is the moives or even to the beach just for fun, hope they will agree... so irritating, now is always girls ask the boys go out together, if not, then cannot have fun together with guy friends. when the guys go out, always go out by themselves, nvr ask girls out together wan... well, guess it will only happen in upper sec...

im worrying now... really worrying... maybe im worrying for nothing... but... i think i shld worry... anyway, how would i now how the guys r feeling, for all iknow, they might be happier to sit in a group, whether im around oso doesnt affect them... seems that way...

well got new glasses...
mY |iFE


argh... im going half mad... nothing is right... only left 1 more day of sch... n i haven even said a word to him for so long... it's not like im dumb... wads wrong with me... im just afraid that he will avoid me n decline my invitation if i invite him out or anything... anyway... where got chance... so many ppl like him, im just another girl from sec 1... not as if im THAT noticeable anyway...

i dunno whether i should ask my temasek guy frens out, dunno whether they will say yes, they say no, i feel bad n somehow embarrassed... dunno wad to do... weird, i feel totally normal asking my gmps guy frens out, but i dunno when i ask my temasek guy frens out they will find it irritating or a bore... well.. i'll just ask n see... after all, two whole months, dun keep contact, friendship will gorw further, thats what im afraid of... n next yr changing seats n all tad... i dun wanna!!! i like my place the way it is... so many good friends around... its harder to keep a good friendship when u dun sit near your guy friend... cause u dun talk as much... hai... i really dun wanna lose their friendship... just hope they will agee to going out for fun, whether it is the moives or even to the beach just for fun, hope they will agree... so irritating, now is always girls ask the boys go out together, if not, then cannot have fun together with guy friends. when the guys go out, always go out by themselves, nvr ask girls out together wan... well, guess it will only happen in upper sec...

im worrying now... really worrying... maybe im worrying for nothing... but... i think i shld worry... anyway, how would i now how the guys r feeling, for all iknow, they might be happier to sit in a group, whether im around oso doesnt affect them... seems that way...

well got new glasses...
mY |iFE


oh boohoo... i feel oh so sad... i couldnt make it for sports captain... i feel like im not good enough... it was such a big blow... i felt so bad for the rest of the day... i oso dunno y... hai... so many ppl from my class got in, i didnt get in... huh... wonder y couldnt get in... congrats to Kang Yu, Danial, Faiz, Suhaila, Nafisah, Cadence, Marissa, Linda for making sports captain... today play harry potter's trivial game... so fun... how to desribe how i am feeling now... hm... a little bit mixed up, sad, love = 'pain'... wad else can i say... nothing... watching channel 8 now...

Wednesday, October 29, 2003

mY |iFE


aha, read this:

jamie, the best Zodiac Match for your personality is Aquarius

Aquarius, the Water Bearer (January 21 to February 19): This friendly and thoughtful partner is just your type. Initially, an Aquarius may catch your attention by showing you their intellectual side and optimistic outlook. But as you get to know them better, you're likely to be even more drawn to an Aquarian's idealistic resolve and focus on making positive change. People born under this sign are frequently capable of seeing both sides in any dispute. This can make them quite talented when it comes to finding creative solutions in your relationship. Your Aquarius may be a bit headstrong at moments, but they'll also tend to look for the bright side in times of trouble. In the bedroom, you'll likely find the Water Bearer both discrete and cautious. An Aquarian will ordinarily make sure that all areas of your relationship are strong before plunging into sex. Overall, Aquarians are solid, unwavering partners and complex people. So, it may take you a little extra time to get to know your Aquarian match, but it's apt to be well worth the wait.

Although Aquarius is your strongest Zodiac Match, your responses indicate there are a number of other astrological signs that you're highly compatible with.

oooya! haha... still feel miserable.. mad mad...
mY |iFE


hey... i just took a zodiac match quiz... n most match with a aquarius... oooya... hahaha... im mad la...
mY |iFE


huh... wonder when will find someone who can understand how im feeling at all times, ha, fat hope... and anyway, working hard on losing 5 kg!!! haha... lame attempt to cheer myself up...
mY |iFE


im feeling down in the dumps... i dunno y... just... hai... nothing seems right now... but, i dunno who to turn to for help, and dunno who i can talk to, dunno whether they will find my troubles a bore, so, just keep them to myself...
mY |iFE


o ya, i forgot to add to yesterday's entry, the song competition organizers called me up yesterday and ask us to perform for some kind of function... cool sia... feel honoured man... haha... wa, today in com lab 4 science that time, mdm tan call ppl out one by one for councilling, i didnt get called out... haha... good n bad... actually, might be quite fun to see mdm tan advising me about boyfriend when i dun have one... hahaha... my mother say it is good that she cares for us, but, my classmates dun agree... hahaha... the sports cap thing STILL not out!!! IM GOING CRAZY!!!! ARGH!!! 2day @ the end part of chinese lesson, we ( Maxine, Marissa, Linda and I) were playing monopoly, then when need to pack up that time, i stand up to keep the money back, then Yu Xiang go and take away the chair, i didnt know, wanted to sit down after putting back money, lucky Kang Yu warned me that there was no chair @ the back, if not fall down soooo paiseh... THANK YOU KANG YU!!! haha... anyway, now toking to Lumpy, we trying to call other ppl go online... so sianz... nothing else to write aledi... byez!!!

Tuesday, October 28, 2003

mY |iFE


hey!!! this horoscope thing actually has TRUTH in it!!! hahaha... printing out some info from horoscope thingy... interesting!!!
mY |iFE


hai... looking up horoscopes actually quite fun... hm... adding nice websites to links!!! check them out!!! none dirty.
mY |iFE


aiyo... today my form teacher go n ask me whether i have boyfriend anot, then i say dun have, then she dun believe... siao... this is how the convo went:

Mdm tan: Sze Sian, you also have boyfriend right?

Me: no!

Mdm Tan: (look disbelieving) i think u have... (give me a 'look')

Me: (shake head, walk of with Maxine laughing)

crazy right?!?!? haha... mad sia... haiz... the sports cap posting i thought today come out... hai... is tml... i so anxious... then today in school there was a maths trail thingy... had to run all over school calculating riduculous things... crazy wan... my group had Maxine, Kang Yu, Danial, Hakim n Johan, haha, most of the maths wizz, i dun even know wad to do... just follow wad they say, record numbers, lazy to think... =P i so bad... today PE kinda boring lo... most of the boys go n play soccer, then about 4-5 boys play bball with Maybellyn, Michelle n I... but play awhile so sianz aledi... hm... 1st time i seen John bball so good today man... so impressive, all his 3 pointer shots went in... so good... haha... anoway, nothing to write about aledi... byez!!!

Monday, October 27, 2003

mY |iFE


hmz... bored... ignore this... ahahah
mY |iFE


WOOHOO!!! figured out how to do background... ok... im dumb... it was quite simple... and i didnt know... dumb me... haha...

Sunday, October 26, 2003

mY |iFE


haiz... maxine in my house now, we looking at horoscopes and freaking out, haha.... im so glad tml can go back to sch.. im DEAD bored @ home, everyday play sims, can die sia... but left 4 more days then no more sch aledi... cannot believe the yr pass so fast... so sad... :'( haiz... CANNOT WAIT FOR THE SPORTS CAPTAIN RESULTS!!!! i hope i qualify!!! :'(... i scared cannot... i really really want to be a sports captain..

Friday, October 24, 2003

mY |iFE


YES!!! chinese got 70!!! woohoo!!! compo and si han luckily pull me up... Lit got only 63 only... CAs got 70... Kang Yu got 80!!! omg.. he top the class... good 4 him sia... too bad Kang Yu was sick for chi P2... if not he got no problem topping the class for chinese... John got 75, A1!!! and there's only 3 A1 in class... Maybellyn so mad... haha... good for him... SPORT CAPTAIN ROX MAN!!! i hope i can qualify... i want to be!!! yesterday Kang Yu called, then was having piano, too bad, if not can talk longer. Hai... today bought horoscope book for yr 2004... looks like Aquarius n Pisces not pei @ all... hai... its freaky, cause the characteristics of the frens i know n wad they say bout them in the horoscope is quite true... look like me n Taurus much more pei, well, horoscope is only a guide, sometimes must follow the heart... haha... =P tad day Kang Yu ask me go n support him n john they all @ the suntec stall on 1st n 2nd NOV, so decided to go Suntec with frens instead of other places... tad day deepavali celebration the show so long... so sianz... then Maxine sit so far away... so bored... lucky Kang Yu sit in front, so got someone to talk to, n Audrey sit behind, so not so bad... hahaz... then mus do the stupid survey form thing, so cramped in the hall how they expect us to write... 3 levels inside leh, hall so small somemore... no choice have to use Kang Yu's back write, lucky he dun mind, if not my paper sure got alot of holes... haha... Maxine say she surprised he let me, but, good frens wad... no problem wan wad...... hahaha... she say i mad... but i dun think so... hahaz... i cant wait for nxt sat, going out with lumpy(confirm), vana, val n xm(maybe)... maybe cheeboon n cheehen oso... watch movie... dunno got wad movie to watch... now very sianz... slept @ 6.45, then woke @ 9, now very energetic... aiya... nothing to talk about now...

Wednesday, October 22, 2003

mY |iFE


WOOHOO!!!! this day rox in stereo man!!! i top class for home econs (thank goodness top something) and got 88 for geog!!! oooya!!! haha... but sci n eng sux... sci got 67.5, eng got 63!!! CAN U BELIEVE IT!!! im so disappointed...

Tuesday, October 21, 2003

mY |iFE


hai... today many things happened that made me feel H-A-P-P-Y!!! haha... too secret to write about here... haha... in case too many ppl read... today choir so difficult lo... anyway, nothing to say online, wait till i learn how to 'decorate' blog b4 got more things to write about...

Monday, October 20, 2003

mY |iFE


SAW HIM TODAY!!! ahahaha... so happy... but... see aledi xing tong man... so near yet so far... so cham... i dun dare show i like him lo...wait he scared off, then i cham... today was the most boring school day EVER!!! i swear... all we did was go around sch n play boogle, pictionary and chinese chess. and i have no idea how to play chinese chess. so, u get it... sux lo... 2 hrs leh!!! waste of my precious time... tml getting back results... SOOOO NERVOUS!!! hope i did well... if not mum wun let me have that much fun during sch hols... man, today michelle n maybellyn were complaining about their parents like hell lo!!! so cham liddat... well, i guess not all parents are so open... thank goodness my parents are so understanding...

Sunday, October 19, 2003

mY |iFE


my mood spoilt liao. oh ya, tad SOMEONE, jealous then friday still come my house for wad? still eat 2 packet of maggie.
mY |iFE


im feeling mad. just read SOMEONE's blog... actually, i wrote alot about her, but decided not to. dun wan to get into a useless fight. all i have to say is, i dunno WHAT the hell she is jealous for, ppl have things she like, then she buy, ppl oso nvr say anything. nothing to kbkb about. N if she is not referring to me, i dun see who else she can refer to.
mY |iFE


ha... gonna get broadband soon hopefully... then wun keep disconnecting... wa.. yesterday's hiphop class can kill man!!! so difficult... hm... spend the morning sleeping then watch tv then now just finish something for *secret* guy... haha... i hope he likes it man... getting results back on tuesday... NERVOUS!!!! haha... dun need go tuition today... see theory is correct.. dun see him not so sad... but still miss him... haha...

Saturday, October 18, 2003

mY |iFE


i just realised, if i dont see him everyday, i will not feel so depressed, disappointed and feel my heart ache... sounds depressing eh... haha... but... but see him will feel so miserable... one month dont see him, I DUNNO WAD I'LL DO!!! i cannot survive!!! okok... im over exaggerating... haha... life revolves around: computer, eating , sleeping, tv. these few days nothing else to do... so boring sia... hai... well, getting broadband soon. thank goodness... i cant stand it man... my stupid com keep disconnecting... yesterday maxine, kirby n lumpy came over... haha... WATER WAR!!! all got soaked man... so fun... swae sawe got piano... i totally 4got... hai.. must take theory exam in MARCH!!! so soon... i scared man... haha... today in choir, got new instructress... the principle expectation too high... not satisfied with bronze.. go n change the instructress... i like the previous intructress... but... this new one is also good... but.. haha... ask us when singing high notes, must squeeze our butt... haha... one boy really go n hold his butt... omg... haha... nothing else to write... cyaz!!!

Thursday, October 16, 2003

mY |iFE


ok...not much misery now.. feel much better
mY |iFE


well... decided no use wallowing in my misery... gotta look on the bright side!!! lumpy coming my house tml... finally... so long nvr meet aledi... hopefully vanessa oso can come...
mY |iFE


i am super miserable now man... stupid maybellyn... huh... anyway *secret* guy is making my life miserable for me... it is so sucky... he says something minor, and it affects my whole mood...

Wednesday, October 15, 2003

mY |iFE


man... i cant belif how miserable i was... after talking to someone on phone, i felt better... dunno y... haha... anyway i feel better now... talk to lumpy and nelson just now on msn, so funny. nvm... neway, dunno wad to write...

Tuesday, October 14, 2003

mY |iFE


haiya... exams over shld be rejoycing... but instead... im am miserable... all because of *secret* guy... i guess i cant expect more... but, im so miserable... i wish he would talk to me... but... he wun lor... unless i talk first... then the michelle they all keep saying kang yu like me... kaoz... kang yu sms michelle bout wu liao things... hm... wat does that mean??? aha... i oso noe wat it means... right now in sch, i think the only person i can fully trust and talk to openly is maxine... use to be both kang yu n maxine... but... hm... kang yu is like... i dunno lor... like i not a fren to him liddat... haiz... HELLO!!! FEELING MISERABLE!!!! i too miserable... all i think about is miserable things now... haiya!!! kirby lumpy val xm hurry finish exam leh!!! i wan go outty... hahaz...
mY |iFE


LUMPY BALL!!!! he is NOT my lover understand!!! o... he didnt block me actually... VALARIE!!! i need your help to do da blog...
i cannot nap... so tired aledi... still cannot sleep ... i so tired like hell... boohoo... :'(

Monday, October 13, 2003

mY |iFE


yes!!! left one more exam... this internet keep disconnecting... not nice wan... huh... sickening maths tml... o well... i gtg study aledi... byebye...
mY |iFE


hai... still cant figure out how to do links and html... YES!!! exams over...

me n *secret* guy only 1% improvement... well... barely 1%... so pathetic... so sad... last night type so much... then forgot to copy... so wasted...

friday must go east coast beach pick up rubbish... school compulsory activity... they say it will be an amazing race... yeah really 'fun'... exaggerated on the inverted comas...

kang yu n john so lucky... got entrepunership(dunno how to spell), can skip all the lame activities that are supposed to be 'fun', esp the sport activities... must be in the same group as u know who... hell...

still got the sports captain orientation thingy... hai... they go n use up my precious after exam time!!!! so unfair!!! primary school can bring games and enjoy with friends... so unfair!!! boohoo...

that NELSON PHUA CHIA LIANG block me... surely wan... crazy la he... how many centuries ago aledi still act liddat... wan to avoid me izzit... hai...

aha... lumpy go n ask nelson how much the pikachu... he say $50++... then now he go n buy roses for xuan qi(correct spelling?) $100++, all died... too bad...

im not jealous ok lumpy.



Saturday, October 11, 2003

mY |iFE


aiyo... wonder whether that phua still trying to avoid me anot... so long liao...
mY |iFE


haiyo... i so bored of studying... so sian... haha... listening to frosty the snowman now... hehe... lame... how come lumpy val n kirby update blog so unoften... hai...

Friday, October 10, 2003

mY |iFE


still typing geog notes... good... now nvr suddenly disconnect liao... yes! my head so pain aledi...
mY |iFE


see disconnected again... so ma fan... yes... onli 3 more exams to go n OVER!!! hahahaha... gd luck to lumpy, XM, val, nelson all the gmss pupils who just start on friday... u all finish then we can go out liao!!! whoopee!!! hahahaha

mY |iFE


stupid internet keep disconnecting... hai... no time to complete lit test today... i was sooo scared lo... wa.., so many ppl suddenly log in... maths ok lo... alot of ppl did not manage to complete section B... they make the paper so hard... give us more time la... lucky i can complete if not cham liao...

Tuesday, October 7, 2003

mY |iFE


argh!!! so many formula to learn... ppl say maths dun need study... as if... so many formulas!!!


Perimeter: 2(L x B)

Area: L x B


Perimeter: 4 x L

Area: L x L


Perimeter: add up all sides e.g. a + b + c

Area: ½bh


Perimeter: πd or 2πr

Area: πr²


Area: bh


Area: ½(a+b)h

Volume of cuboid:

L x W x H

Volume of prism:

c.s x height

Surface area of prism:

Perimeter of base x height + (2 x c.s)

Volume of cylinder:


Volume of hollow cylinder:

πR²h - πr²h

Surface area of closed cylinder:

2πrh + 2πr²

Surface area of open cylinder:

2πrh + πr²


all the stupid formulas which are driving me crazy...

gotta get back to studies!!! cyaz...
just finish home econs exam... SAW HIM TODAY!!! him!!! *secret* guy!!! even take same bus back as him!!! he wave to me! haha... i mad... aiyo... tml got maths paper 2... so cham... record man!!! no on online @ at! haha... maybe should just play sims... mdm tan tell john off again bout his hair... dunno y she bother.. all the sec 4s oso gell hair wad... not like he's the only one... mum say after an hour must start work... haiz... still cannot figure out how to make background... SOMEONE TEACH ME!!!! please.... haha... my mood now very good... later dunno liaoz... my house got mouse... got mouse shit on my bed!!! ewz... in my parent's room got on the floor n in the bath tub!!! it's freakin me out!!! not sleeping @ the bottom aledi... haha... i sleeping on the top bunk... u noe how freaky it is to dunno when the mouse will appear in front of u!! o yucks man.. scaaarrriiieee.... haha... wan go play sims aledi... byez!
my friend's links



mad aledi... now no one online... lumpy busy... dun feel like studying anymore but home econs MUST beat that michelle... cannot lose to her... is the only subject i can beat her in... i think... haiz...
now studying halfway through home econs... tml home econs exam... sms him... he nvr reply... dunno whether is he off phone again or dun wan reply... wad the... hai... wat to do? haha... maybe i should not sms him bout exam anymore... mayybe i should just sms him nvm, good luck and good night... always sms him high hopes... then end up feel like loser liddat... not nice wan... i keep cannot forget the competition day... i wan it to repeat itself ALL OVER AGAIN!!! but... fat hope lor... n OMG!!! im eating chocolate!!! calories!!! OMG!!! exam stress... haha...

Monday, October 6, 2003

mY |iFE


wasted... i aledi type once... forgot to publish... dunno how to retrieve saved documents... aiyo... anyway, he DID reply!!! i so stupid... just becasue upset go n off the phone... he wished me GOOD LUCK!!! luck i on my phone in the morning before the paper... haha... 2day science paper ok... mood so good today... it's freaky how he can affect my mood... kang yu nvr come to school again... he should be back by tml anywayz... today the mdm tan go n cut john's fringe cause it was gelled up... but... he dosen't look alot different to me... haha... so boring now... no one online... watching mulan... so long nvr watch aledi... so nice... haha... wat to do... disney channel and nickelodeon all kiddy shows... not nice... later must go n study for science...
hai... today have english and chinese exam... not difficult, not easy... kang yu nvr come school, @ first thought wad happened... end up he got fever... the guy i like *secret*, actually not really *secret*, so sad... no communication today... sometimes feel so sad... but... when he smile or talk to me, i sooooo happy!!! he makes my day!!! haha... nothing interesting happens... now taking a break from science studies... talking to lumpy... her blog go n put nelson n xuan qi or dunno wad the name is... i suddenly feel so sad... :( huh... wad to do... life is such... dunno when i will meet the guy of my dreams... perhaps... never... haha, just looking on the bad side of life... can still remember the competition day... tad ROX man!!! ,iss henery, justin, li ling, vanessa alot alot alot...lovely times we had... the competition day, @ dinner table, lumpy and kirby go n talk so much, make everyone laugh like hell, go n make fun of my chocolate cake, see la... waste my food, make me dun feel like eating.. haha.. then go n smash my chocolate cake... nvr eat... haha, jun ji wan look more like shit... haha... even john n jun ji laugh so much... west coast park oso rox man... except i fall down n got blue-black for 2 wks... haha... but so fun... the captain's ball... kirby n jun ji keep banging into each other... haha... so funny... hey guys, i got the vidoe of the song competition and the captain's ball game!!! when u all wanna come over see?!?! stupid exams hurry over la... haiz...!!! haha... gtg... go bathe... must study again... sux...

mY |iFE


hai... sms the *secret* guy i like... nvr reply... so pathetic... just finish revising science... listening to jay chou song... going to sleep soon... wad a day... disappointing day for love... haha... i sound like despo... dun worry... im not... only wish we can talk more... ppl i know will know wad i mean... how on earth to i make the background for this thing... dunno la... dunno wat html thing... keep thinking about the times we spent together... cant wait for the end yr holidays... then can organise things, go out... hehe... but... sometimes, u feel like nothing in the world is right... now off my phone... dunno whether he got reply anot... aiya... now no one online... so boring... wonder whether boys would bother to express their feelings online... hahaz... only good thing... lost weight.. but these few days like have been eating alot... OONNNOOOO!!!! haha... cannot put on more weight... NO WAY!!! :P must be attractive... im kidding!!! haha... see so pathetic... trying to cheer myself up.... lamo... aiya... dun wan type aledi... type science notes one whole day saturday so sick of typing aledi... but... aiya... im saying alot of aiyas. crazy liao.... who is this xuan qi girl u all call nelson's GF, : ( who who who... so attractive meh... kla... cannot get jealous... haha... jiu chi ge bi <--- go figure. =) bye!
mY |iFE


hai... today have english and chinese exam... not difficult, not easy... kang yu nvr come school, @ first thought wad happened... end up he got fever... the guy i like *secret*, actually not really *secret*, so sad... no communication today... sometimes feel so sad... but... when he smile or talk to me, i sooooo happy!!! he makes my day!!! haha... nothing interesting happens... now taking a break from science studies... talking to lumpy... her blog go n put nelson n xuan qi or dunno wad the name is... i suddenly feel so sad... :( huh... wad to do... life is such... dunno when i will meet the guy of my dreams... perhaps... never... haha, just looking on the bad side of life... can still remember the competition day... tad ROX man!!! miss henry, justin, li ling, vanessa alot alot alot...lovely times we had... the competition day, @ dinner table, lumpy and kirby go n talk so much, make everyone laugh like hell, go n make fun of my chocolate cake, see la... waste my food, make me dun feel like eating.. haha.. then go n smash my chocolate cake... nvr eat... haha, jun ji wan look more like shit... haha... even john n jun ji laugh so much... west coast park oso rox man... except i fall down n got blue-black for 2 wks... haha... but so fun... the captain's ball... kirby n jun ji keep banging into each other... haha... so funny... hey guys, i got the vidoe of the song competition and the captain's ball game!!! when u all wanna come over see?!?! stupid exams hurry over la... haiz...!!! haha... gtg... go bathe... must study again... sux...
</mŷŀïƒè:><br /><br /></update:><br /><br /><BODY BACKGROUND=""><br /><br /><MARQUEE><font size="12" color="blue"><br /><br /><p><br /><br />hai... today have english and chinese exam... not difficult, not easy... kang yu nvr come school, @ first thought wad happened... end up he got fever... the guy i like *secret*, actually not really *secret*, so sad... no communication today... sometimes feel so sad... but... when he smile or talk to me, i sooooo happy!!! he makes my day!!! haha... nothing interesting happens... now taking a break from science studies... talking to lumpy... her blog go n put nelson n xuan qi or dunno wad the name is... i suddenly feel so sad... :( huh... wad to do... life is such... dunno when i will meet the guy of my dreams... perhaps... never... haha, just looking on the bad side of life... can still remember the competition day... tad ROX man!!! miss henry, justin, li ling, vanessa alot alot alot...lovely times we had... the competition day, @ dinner table, lumpy and kirby go n talk so much, make everyone laugh like hell, go n make fun of my chocolate cake, see la... waste my food, make me dun feel like eating.. haha.. then go n smash my chocolate cake... nvr eat... haha, jun ji wan look more like shit... haha... even john n jun ji laugh so much... west coast park oso rox man... except i fall down n got blue-black for 2 wks... haha... but so fun... the captain's ball... kirby n jun ji keep banging into each other... haha... so funny... hey guys, i got the vidoe of the song competition and the captain's ball game!!! when u all wanna come over see?!?! stupid exams hurry over la... haiz...!!! haha... gtg... go bathe... must study again... sux...<br><br /><br /> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </div> <div class='post-footer'> <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-1'> <span class='post-author vcard'> Posted by <span class='fn' itemprop='author' itemscope='itemscope' itemtype=''> <meta content='' itemprop='url'/> <a class='g-profile' href='' rel='author' title='author profile'> <span itemprop='name'>Sze Sian</span> </a> </span> </span> <span class='post-timestamp'> at <meta content='' itemprop='url'/> <a class='timestamp-link' href='' rel='bookmark' title='permanent link'><abbr class='published' itemprop='datePublished' title='2003-10-06T08:31:00-07:00'>8:31 AM</abbr></a> </span> <span class='post-comment-link'> <a class='comment-link' href='' onclick=''> No comments: </a> </span> <span class='post-icons'> <span class='item-control blog-admin pid-200770754'> <a href='' title='Edit Post'> <img alt='' class='icon-action' height='18' src='' width='18'/> </a> </span> </span> <div class='post-share-buttons goog-inline-block'> </div> </div> <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-2'> <span class='post-labels'> </span> </div> <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-3'> <span class='post-location'> </span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class='post-outer'> <div class='post hentry uncustomized-post-template' itemprop='blogPost' itemscope='itemscope' itemtype=''> <meta content='8916879184640942740' itemprop='blogId'/> <meta content='4935595352685299946' itemprop='postId'/> <a name='4935595352685299946'></a> <div class='post-header'> <div class='post-header-line-1'></div> </div> <div class='post-body entry-content' id='post-body-4935595352685299946' itemprop='description articleBody'> <title></mŷŀïƒè:><br /><br /></update:><br /><br /><BODY BACKGROUND=""><br /><br /><MARQUEE><font size="12" color="blue"><br /><br /><p><br /><br />hai... today have english and chinese exam... not difficult, not easy... kang yu nvr come school, @ first thought wad happened... end up he got fever... the guy i like *secret*, actually not really *secret*, so sad... no communication today... sometimes feel so sad... but... when he smile or talk to me, i sooooo happy!!! he makes my day!!! haha... nothing interesting happens... now taking a break from science studies... talking to lumpy... her blog go n put nelson n xuan qi or dunno wad the name is... i suddenly feel so sad... :( huh... wad to do... life is such... dunno when i will meet the guy of my dreams... perhaps... never... haha, just looking on the bad side of life... can still remember the competition day... tad ROX man!!! miss henry, justin, li ling, vanessa alot alot alot...lovely times we had... the competition day, @ dinner table, lumpy and kirby go n talk so much, make everyone laugh like hell, go n make fun of my chocolate cake, see la... waste my food, make me dun feel like eating.. haha.. then go n smash my chocolate cake... nvr eat... haha, jun ji wan look more like shit... haha... even john n jun ji laugh so much... west coast park oso rox man... except i fall down n got blue-black for 2 wks... haha... but so fun... the captain's ball... kirby n jun ji keep banging into each other... haha... so funny... hey guys, i got the vidoe of the song competition and the captain's ball game!!! when u all wanna come over see?!?! stupid exams hurry over la... haiz...!!! haha... gtg... go bathe... must study again... sux...<br><br /><br /> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </div> <div class='post-footer'> <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-1'> <span class='post-author vcard'> Posted by <span class='fn' itemprop='author' itemscope='itemscope' itemtype=''> <meta content='' itemprop='url'/> <a class='g-profile' href='' rel='author' title='author profile'> <span itemprop='name'>Sze Sian</span> </a> </span> </span> <span class='post-timestamp'> at <meta content='' itemprop='url'/> <a class='timestamp-link' href='' rel='bookmark' title='permanent link'><abbr class='published' itemprop='datePublished' title='2003-10-06T04:27:00-07:00'>4:27 AM</abbr></a> </span> <span class='post-comment-link'> <a class='comment-link' href='' onclick=''> No comments: </a> </span> <span class='post-icons'> <span class='item-control blog-admin pid-200770754'> <a href='' title='Edit Post'> <img alt='' class='icon-action' height='18' 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