`+._ sTuDy! _.+`
Hi everyone! The exmas are just round the corner, have to start working harder! Yesterday , Saturday I spent half the day reading A Walk to Remember, yesterday, I took the whole day to re-read Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, for the forth time, and I'm still as much hooked on it as before, I could'nt put down the book! Then today I was absorbed by The Notebook. Oh my goodness, that book is so beautifully written, bursting with emotion and silent grief. It made my heart break to read it. The author, Nicholas Sparks is realy something. He wrote both A Walk to Remember and The Notebook. I take my hat off to him. I've finally changed my website's music! It's playing my favourite Harry Potter song , 'Double Trouble'. Since you can't hear the lyrics, i'll post them here:
Double, double, toil and trouble
Fire burn and cauldron bubble
Double, double, toil and trouble
Something wicked this way comes.
Eye of newt and toe of frog,
Wool of bat and tongue of dog,
Adder's fork and blind-worm's sting,
Lizard's leg and howlet's wing.
Double, double, toil and trouble
Fire burn and cauldron bubble
Double, double, toil and trouble
Something wicked this way comes.
In the cauldron boil and bake,
Fillet of a fenny snake,
Scale of dragon, tooth of wolf,
Witches' mummy, maw and gulf.
Double, double, toil and trouble
Fire burn and cauldron bubble
Double, double, toil and trouble
Fire burn and cauldron bubble
Double, double, toil and trouble
Fire burn and cauldron bubble
Something wicked this way comes.
It's sung by a choir, really nice! It's so sad that there aren't many Harry Potter fans in Singapore I know of.. *sigh* Yesterday my cousin called, to look for my dad, but he isn't in town. That cousin of mine, had some kind of stroke when he was young, due to eating too much panadol so he could subdude his fever and go out and play. (He didn't tell his mother.) His blood vessel burst, and he was unconscience for 6 months! I don't think I was born yet at that time. His movement is now very slow and so is his speech, extremely slow. And he is blind in one eye. 4.5 degrees members, Jun Ji and John have seen him before, if you guys can remember, he was there to support me for the song competition last year. I wish he was well, he's really good in art, sadly, I don't know him very well. I realised one thing, I can't study in the afternoons, the daylight seems to distract me, I don't know why. I can only study at night, or else, I can't go out for the whole day so as to not let me get distraction. Weird, I know, but even I can't explain why. I've already worked out a study schedule, I hope I can stick to it. I'm scheduled for Geography tonight.. Hope I can complete all my studies on time. I suddenly have this thirst for reading books. That is really not good, especially with the forthcoming exams. I have to control. Did I mention how much I enjoy being in my own room instead of the study room now? It's so neat and Harry Potter dominates the bed wall, with the class photo at the side as well. =P I wish there was someone who shared interest as I have in Harry Potter, sadly, I don't think anyone I know like Harry Potter as much as I do. I just find the aspect of it so interesting. If only Hogwarts really existed. That would be wonderful! I think J.K Rowling is really awesome, when I read the Harry Potter books, I really feel as though I am experiencing what Harry is experienceing, as though I'm in their world. I especially love the third book. I can't explain why I like it so much, I just do. Anyway, got to go and take my bath... So, see you!~
Monday, September 27, 2004
Saturday, September 25, 2004
`+._ LaNtErN fEsTiVaL cElEbRaTiOn _.+`
Hi everyone! This morning I had to wake up at 7am for oral, and Maxine bugged me to reach earlier *grumbles at max* =P. Then met up at the foyer, and proceeded to the hall. The whole time, I was reading 'A Walk to Remember'. My friends thought I was crazy to read a book so absorbly when the oral is about 10 minutes away. Hey, I releases the nerves. When I stopped reading for awhile, I started to get really nervous, so I went back to reading again.. Well.. The oral wasn't too bad, wasn't exellent either though. My dad picked me up and we went to Tiong Baru Plaza, his office and Queensway shopping centre to do his last minute errands, I was just accompanying him. Oh yeah, we also went to my dad's mum's house for lunch. Then I came back and packed up my room. Too bad I didn't stick to my study schedule. *grimaces* Oh well, I decorated my bed wall with all Harry Potter news, pictures etc. I love it! Then packed my table. I love the way my room looks now, it's so neat =D. Around 5pm, Jun Ji came over and we started making the jellies. (His cooking isn't bad at all! =P) Then put up the lanterns properly, ate dinner and watched Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban while waiting for the others to arrive. (I made him watch it *grins*) It wasn't that bad... right? Hope it was at least okay, I love it!! Watched it 10 times at least. Around 7.10pm, Abygail and Jolene arrived, waited for elvia, and we had a nice 'supper' in the light of lanterns and candles. Mooncakes, tea, 'kui', jelly etc. The ambience surrounding was really nice.. Rather romantic I must say =P Then we went to my room and stared at each other before deciding that it would be better to go to the park and light candles around, something jo, aby, via and I have done for years. Now with the addition of Jun Ji, I'm so glad everyone got along well =D It was rather nice to see all the candles lit. After awhile aby, jj and I went to sit on the monkey bars, while jo and via played tic tac toe =P via's friend arrived, so we(jj, aby, jo and I) went to the swings. Haha, I started swinging and the next minute I heard them all saying 'how come so high?!?' Well, I guess I am just used to it =P So I 'taught' them how to swing and go higher, rather hilarious. I had to push them *pants* So tiring~ But it was so much fun, we laughed so much. Especially because of the handphones. Both jo and aby tried answering calls while swinging. jo flew forward and aby fell onto the ground, the swing hitting her head next, luckily they weren't hurt. But it was extremely hilarious, we were all laughing our heads off, I laughed so much I got a side-stitch. via was with her friend, it seemed to be so romantic.. *sighs* My hands were sore from griping the swings... We went back at around 10.30pm. Sadly, aby had to go home. After that the mood seemed to be a little dejected. We were all tired and good-byes were to be said. After all the girls left, my grandma sent jj to the bus-stop down the hill, then... I came back, had a shower and now I'm typing this.. I want to start reading Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban now, got this urge to do so... So now I'll leave it here, anything else, I'll add tomorrow, see you and GoOdNiGhT!~
Hi everyone! This morning I had to wake up at 7am for oral, and Maxine bugged me to reach earlier *grumbles at max* =P. Then met up at the foyer, and proceeded to the hall. The whole time, I was reading 'A Walk to Remember'. My friends thought I was crazy to read a book so absorbly when the oral is about 10 minutes away. Hey, I releases the nerves. When I stopped reading for awhile, I started to get really nervous, so I went back to reading again.. Well.. The oral wasn't too bad, wasn't exellent either though. My dad picked me up and we went to Tiong Baru Plaza, his office and Queensway shopping centre to do his last minute errands, I was just accompanying him. Oh yeah, we also went to my dad's mum's house for lunch. Then I came back and packed up my room. Too bad I didn't stick to my study schedule. *grimaces* Oh well, I decorated my bed wall with all Harry Potter news, pictures etc. I love it! Then packed my table. I love the way my room looks now, it's so neat =D. Around 5pm, Jun Ji came over and we started making the jellies. (His cooking isn't bad at all! =P) Then put up the lanterns properly, ate dinner and watched Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban while waiting for the others to arrive. (I made him watch it *grins*) It wasn't that bad... right? Hope it was at least okay, I love it!! Watched it 10 times at least. Around 7.10pm, Abygail and Jolene arrived, waited for elvia, and we had a nice 'supper' in the light of lanterns and candles. Mooncakes, tea, 'kui', jelly etc. The ambience surrounding was really nice.. Rather romantic I must say =P Then we went to my room and stared at each other before deciding that it would be better to go to the park and light candles around, something jo, aby, via and I have done for years. Now with the addition of Jun Ji, I'm so glad everyone got along well =D It was rather nice to see all the candles lit. After awhile aby, jj and I went to sit on the monkey bars, while jo and via played tic tac toe =P via's friend arrived, so we(jj, aby, jo and I) went to the swings. Haha, I started swinging and the next minute I heard them all saying 'how come so high?!?' Well, I guess I am just used to it =P So I 'taught' them how to swing and go higher, rather hilarious. I had to push them *pants* So tiring~ But it was so much fun, we laughed so much. Especially because of the handphones. Both jo and aby tried answering calls while swinging. jo flew forward and aby fell onto the ground, the swing hitting her head next, luckily they weren't hurt. But it was extremely hilarious, we were all laughing our heads off, I laughed so much I got a side-stitch. via was with her friend, it seemed to be so romantic.. *sighs* My hands were sore from griping the swings... We went back at around 10.30pm. Sadly, aby had to go home. After that the mood seemed to be a little dejected. We were all tired and good-byes were to be said. After all the girls left, my grandma sent jj to the bus-stop down the hill, then... I came back, had a shower and now I'm typing this.. I want to start reading Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban now, got this urge to do so... So now I'll leave it here, anything else, I'll add tomorrow, see you and GoOdNiGhT!~
Friday, September 24, 2004
`+._ sIgHs _.+`
Hi.. I just came back from spending the evening with my dad, a father-daughter night out since he is going abroad for 3 weeks. I bought my Harry Potter series of hardback books! I finally got them!!! I have saved money for them =D Also, using the borders card from TJC, I bought A Walk to Remember and The Notebook both by Nicholas Sparks. Needed for homework set by TJC when school reopens. On the journey back in the car, my father and I had a long talk about many things, mostly about life and all that kind of stuff. About the Chinese test thing, my grandparents and dad all made me feel better, but my mum gave it to me hard. I actually rather she scolded me, but her voice sounded disappointed, that made me feel real bad. I guess that was also necessary, she's right, but I don't know why, I still leaked a few tears when she was giving me that sermone. I kind of expected it. I know she did it becuase she's worried about me and loves me. Well, at least I was cheered up and knocked down by this test results. Opened up my eyes, I have to study harder. From the talk with my dad, I realised how much I'm loved by my family despite the countless scoldings and talks. He said that no matter what, they will always back me up and give me support, I was really touched by that. Although my family may seem perfect to some and some always say 'you so good...' etc etc etc, my family has problems too. You wouldn't understand unless you are in my position. I love my family very much, as alot of other people do, it's the same. Sometimes, being looked upon and 'wah, you so good' makes me feel like people take me for granted. Half of the time, i'm right. I really dislike the way some people classify my family. It isn't perfect. People only see the surface, not what's deep inside. Yes, I've got a loving and supportive family, and I thank all the Gods for that. Sometimes in a way, I think some of my friends don't realise how it makes me feel when they think that way. It is rather hurtful. I hope my friends won't keep thinking that way and read between the lines more. Well, today has been a rather emotionally draining day for me, and tomorrow's the Chinese oral. Goodluck Temasekians! I've got to go to bed now.. So.. Goodnight~
Hi.. I just came back from spending the evening with my dad, a father-daughter night out since he is going abroad for 3 weeks. I bought my Harry Potter series of hardback books! I finally got them!!! I have saved money for them =D Also, using the borders card from TJC, I bought A Walk to Remember and The Notebook both by Nicholas Sparks. Needed for homework set by TJC when school reopens. On the journey back in the car, my father and I had a long talk about many things, mostly about life and all that kind of stuff. About the Chinese test thing, my grandparents and dad all made me feel better, but my mum gave it to me hard. I actually rather she scolded me, but her voice sounded disappointed, that made me feel real bad. I guess that was also necessary, she's right, but I don't know why, I still leaked a few tears when she was giving me that sermone. I kind of expected it. I know she did it becuase she's worried about me and loves me. Well, at least I was cheered up and knocked down by this test results. Opened up my eyes, I have to study harder. From the talk with my dad, I realised how much I'm loved by my family despite the countless scoldings and talks. He said that no matter what, they will always back me up and give me support, I was really touched by that. Although my family may seem perfect to some and some always say 'you so good...' etc etc etc, my family has problems too. You wouldn't understand unless you are in my position. I love my family very much, as alot of other people do, it's the same. Sometimes, being looked upon and 'wah, you so good' makes me feel like people take me for granted. Half of the time, i'm right. I really dislike the way some people classify my family. It isn't perfect. People only see the surface, not what's deep inside. Yes, I've got a loving and supportive family, and I thank all the Gods for that. Sometimes in a way, I think some of my friends don't realise how it makes me feel when they think that way. It is rather hurtful. I hope my friends won't keep thinking that way and read between the lines more. Well, today has been a rather emotionally draining day for me, and tomorrow's the Chinese oral. Goodluck Temasekians! I've got to go to bed now.. So.. Goodnight~
Thursday, September 23, 2004
`+._ dIsApPoInTiNg DaY _.+`
Hi... Remember I said that I never cried in school before and that I would break my record on the last day of school this year? Well forget about that, I broke the record today. I failed my Chinese. I can't believe it. I studied so so hard. It's the first time I failed any subject. I guess I took it really hard. Even though a lot of people failed as well, that does not give me an excuse. I only got 45.5/100. Also thanks to the storybook section, I got zero for that. I put all Bs. How dumb and idiotic can I get? Upon receiving the paper, I was filled with shock and disappointment. When I got back to my seat, my vision blurred and tears filled my eyes, consequently leaking out. I hope not too many people saw me crying. Thanks alot to Maxine who comforted me. =.) Made me feel a lot better. Thanks to Shawn too. The thing was that I was so upset to have let my grandmother down. My mother, father and grandfather as well. They all depend on me, I'm the only child. I study really hard for both myself and to make my family proud of me. When I don't get good marks, I feel as though I have let them down. Well, I guess one has to fail at least once in a lifetime, then the person won't be cocky, so Max said. Well, that made sense. When I told my grandparents the news, they didn't scold me, only comforted me and told me to work harder the next time, I was literally crying out loud then. After all the tears, I felt better and watched Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban again~ =P Half of it. Then did some maths tuition homework, but wasn't really in the mood. So.. after updating, I need to go and practice piano, I must work harder next time. Doubly hard! *sighs* I dread having to tell my mum and dad. Wonder what they will say.. The geography test today was not too bad, I knew most of the answers, but that's what's worrying me. I knew the answers. The last time I wasn't too sure of the anwers and I got good marks, now.. I hope it's not the opposite. I sure want to keep up those good marks. Anyway, off to practice piano now, sEe YoU!~
Hi... Remember I said that I never cried in school before and that I would break my record on the last day of school this year? Well forget about that, I broke the record today. I failed my Chinese. I can't believe it. I studied so so hard. It's the first time I failed any subject. I guess I took it really hard. Even though a lot of people failed as well, that does not give me an excuse. I only got 45.5/100. Also thanks to the storybook section, I got zero for that. I put all Bs. How dumb and idiotic can I get? Upon receiving the paper, I was filled with shock and disappointment. When I got back to my seat, my vision blurred and tears filled my eyes, consequently leaking out. I hope not too many people saw me crying. Thanks alot to Maxine who comforted me. =.) Made me feel a lot better. Thanks to Shawn too. The thing was that I was so upset to have let my grandmother down. My mother, father and grandfather as well. They all depend on me, I'm the only child. I study really hard for both myself and to make my family proud of me. When I don't get good marks, I feel as though I have let them down. Well, I guess one has to fail at least once in a lifetime, then the person won't be cocky, so Max said. Well, that made sense. When I told my grandparents the news, they didn't scold me, only comforted me and told me to work harder the next time, I was literally crying out loud then. After all the tears, I felt better and watched Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban again~ =P Half of it. Then did some maths tuition homework, but wasn't really in the mood. So.. after updating, I need to go and practice piano, I must work harder next time. Doubly hard! *sighs* I dread having to tell my mum and dad. Wonder what they will say.. The geography test today was not too bad, I knew most of the answers, but that's what's worrying me. I knew the answers. The last time I wasn't too sure of the anwers and I got good marks, now.. I hope it's not the opposite. I sure want to keep up those good marks. Anyway, off to practice piano now, sEe YoU!~
Wednesday, September 22, 2004
`+._ nOt In ThE bEsT oF mOoDs _.+`
Hi... Using the school's computer now, during Com Ed. Well.. Was supposed to do and create a website, but didn't feel like it. So bored... Spent English drawing... Oh yes, we were reminded by Mrs Loke about the number of days left till exam, till after exam and till the holidays. I only have 36! days left in Temasek Secondary. I really can't believe it. I'm sure I will cry on the last day. (break my record for never having cried in schools, but that doesn't matter) I really can't bear to leave my friends... I'll miss the school's surrounding so so so much!!! I have this uneasy and sad feeling about it. Why must it be so hard? Thank goodness Prerna's going along, if not it will make leaving even harder. I'll make it a point to keep in contact with my classmates, but I don't know what time the JC hours end. I hear that the hours are longer. *sighs* I'll end here for now, class is ending soon... See you...
Hi... Using the school's computer now, during Com Ed. Well.. Was supposed to do and create a website, but didn't feel like it. So bored... Spent English drawing... Oh yes, we were reminded by Mrs Loke about the number of days left till exam, till after exam and till the holidays. I only have 36! days left in Temasek Secondary. I really can't believe it. I'm sure I will cry on the last day. (break my record for never having cried in schools, but that doesn't matter) I really can't bear to leave my friends... I'll miss the school's surrounding so so so much!!! I have this uneasy and sad feeling about it. Why must it be so hard? Thank goodness Prerna's going along, if not it will make leaving even harder. I'll make it a point to keep in contact with my classmates, but I don't know what time the JC hours end. I hear that the hours are longer. *sighs* I'll end here for now, class is ending soon... See you...
`+._ dAnCe! _.+`
Hi! Today was tiring.. Wednesdays are always tiring for me.. All the periods are double.. So exhausting. During Chinese lesson, it was our group's turn to present, but we didn't do a good job, I did the slides last minute work, we didn't prepare. I felt so bad when the teacher keep saying not good enough not good enough, really made me feel so guilty. I enjoyed Literature, as usual, it rocked! The sad thing though, we finally finished 'The Outsiders'. I don't want it to end. I simply LOVE that book. It rocks. I didn't like the outcome of my D&T plastic object, but, oh well, exceptional. I watched Kim Possible and Totally Spies on Disney Channel when I came back, while having lunch.. Then I went to my room and had a nap, so tired, had to recharge for hiphop. Woke at around 5pm, got ready and set off for dance classes!!! *grins widely* First it was hiphop. The crunches alone were a strain for my abs. We learnt the last set for the combination, it was great! I don't know, but when I dance I feel exhilarated, just moving to the beat of the music, it's even better since now I can get the dance steps easily, practice makes perfect! We danced to fast, slow music. Fast is the best to me, really challenging! Then I had flamenco (for information's sake, the maths video's 'flamenco' is NOTHING like the flamenco we do! -.- that was so amusing. If you don't understand this part, never mind, only those from 2e5 will 'dig' =P) We learnt the 4th coupla(don't know how to spell), but I can't remember the 2nd coupla. Hm.. I really like the term 'savvy' from 'The Outsiders', there's this kick to the word that I like. Came back only around 9+pm. Took a shower, and started on Literature. That took me more than 1&1/2 hours. I know it's only optional, but I feel like doing it. It's practice afterall. Oh yeah, I got 2nd for Literature today, tied with Maybellyn. I read her paper, the way she expressed violence was really good. Nafisah's paper topped it all though, her flair for language is AWESOME. She got 23/25, I got 21... Well I'm quite satisfied with the marks. Didn't expect it though, seriuosly didn't expect it. But I'm happy anyway =D! After completing Literature, I did Geography workbook, and am supposed to do my Maths tuition homework, but I'll put it off till tomorrow. Well, I have one request, those who read my blog, please tag a comment on the tagboard! Anything also can, even a 'hello' to let me know you have read my blog okay? Please and Thank You! So tired.. It's nearing 2am.. I'll end here, *yawn* gOoDnIgHt!~
Hi! Today was tiring.. Wednesdays are always tiring for me.. All the periods are double.. So exhausting. During Chinese lesson, it was our group's turn to present, but we didn't do a good job, I did the slides last minute work, we didn't prepare. I felt so bad when the teacher keep saying not good enough not good enough, really made me feel so guilty. I enjoyed Literature, as usual, it rocked! The sad thing though, we finally finished 'The Outsiders'. I don't want it to end. I simply LOVE that book. It rocks. I didn't like the outcome of my D&T plastic object, but, oh well, exceptional. I watched Kim Possible and Totally Spies on Disney Channel when I came back, while having lunch.. Then I went to my room and had a nap, so tired, had to recharge for hiphop. Woke at around 5pm, got ready and set off for dance classes!!! *grins widely* First it was hiphop. The crunches alone were a strain for my abs. We learnt the last set for the combination, it was great! I don't know, but when I dance I feel exhilarated, just moving to the beat of the music, it's even better since now I can get the dance steps easily, practice makes perfect! We danced to fast, slow music. Fast is the best to me, really challenging! Then I had flamenco (for information's sake, the maths video's 'flamenco' is NOTHING like the flamenco we do! -.- that was so amusing. If you don't understand this part, never mind, only those from 2e5 will 'dig' =P) We learnt the 4th coupla(don't know how to spell), but I can't remember the 2nd coupla. Hm.. I really like the term 'savvy' from 'The Outsiders', there's this kick to the word that I like. Came back only around 9+pm. Took a shower, and started on Literature. That took me more than 1&1/2 hours. I know it's only optional, but I feel like doing it. It's practice afterall. Oh yeah, I got 2nd for Literature today, tied with Maybellyn. I read her paper, the way she expressed violence was really good. Nafisah's paper topped it all though, her flair for language is AWESOME. She got 23/25, I got 21... Well I'm quite satisfied with the marks. Didn't expect it though, seriuosly didn't expect it. But I'm happy anyway =D! After completing Literature, I did Geography workbook, and am supposed to do my Maths tuition homework, but I'll put it off till tomorrow. Well, I have one request, those who read my blog, please tag a comment on the tagboard! Anything also can, even a 'hello' to let me know you have read my blog okay? Please and Thank You! So tired.. It's nearing 2am.. I'll end here, *yawn* gOoDnIgHt!~
Tuesday, September 21, 2004
`+._ hM... _.+`
Hi everyone~ So sorry for not updating for so long. Well.. What happened on friday? I just remember that I was in a bad mood over something. Thinking back, the reason was rather childish, I must remember not to have such a childish thinking ever again. But I remember watching Dawson's Creek as a result, that was awesome! I loved it! Can't wait to watch the next season!!! Friday I was very lethargic though, don't know why, felt so tired. Saturday... Hectic day! My cousin's wedding. He's from my father's side of the family and he's the first to get married! CONGRATULATIONS Ah Xin kor kor and Fong Yee jie jie!!! I'm so happy for them! They have been dating for almost 9 years! Fong Yee jie jie has seen me since young and growing up =D Before the night wedding dinner, my mum and I went to do our hair, that was the first time I had such big curls in my hair. But it really added onto the wedding effect for me. I wore a white chifon(or however you spell it) dress which was rather similar to the tinkerbell outfit (bottom part) in Peter Pan the cartoon. Haha, my relatives commented that I look like a fairy. -.- Funny way to describe, but okay~ I was one of the receptionist there that night, asking 'hello, are you from the bride or groom's side' and slotting 'ang paos' into the box. The dinner wasn't too bad. I got to talk to one of my cousins, Yui Ern. She's the youngest next to me (I'm the baby of the family on my dad's side and the oldest on my mum's side) and she's already 19. I haven't talked to her for ages.. It was nice to catch up. Sunday I did some studying and went to Chinese tuition for 4 hours with Li Jun. *groans* That was so tiring. Monday.. The composition exams. For English, I wrote the 'Happiest day of my Teenage Life' question, about the Batu Pahat Trip, haha, Jun Ji wrote that too! =D For the Chinese compo, I wrote the first part a little drama, about 'Being Sick' and wrote the 'gong han', hopefully, I got the 'ge shi' right. Last night I was preparing like crazy for Chinese. 5 chapters. I didn't have time to read the storybook. Haha, I was revising Chinese till the last minute today, I kept staring at the word 'hua ji' then I kept the book when the test paper came. I read the meaning part, lo and behold, the meaning for 'hua ji' came out and I couldn't remember how to write the word! I was panicking like crazy! That was 2 marks per meaning! Phew, luckily I finally remembered. Today's test was easier than the last though, to me. The storybook questions, I read through and didn't know a single one, so I put all 'B's. Just trying my luck. Hope I can get at least 5 marks. Oh yes, today was also Shawn's birthday, Happy Birthday Shawn! =.) He was so generous, gave the class each such a big goody bag with so many gummies. Thank you!~ The sad thing today is though, my mother has left for a business trip to China. *sobs* I was so sad... In the morning before I left for school I *ahem* cried abit.. Hey.. I love my mum, and 10 days, I'll really miss her... I hope she has a safe trip.. Have to prepare for chinese presentation tomorrow and Literature worksheets now, so.. sayonara!~
p.s. Kirby, It's not that I don't visit your blog often, I do almost everyday. But most of your entries have been about your cell group recently, so I don't relate to that and don't know what to tag about that. But just because I don't tag, doesn't mean that I don't read your blog, understand? Hope you do~
Hi everyone~ So sorry for not updating for so long. Well.. What happened on friday? I just remember that I was in a bad mood over something. Thinking back, the reason was rather childish, I must remember not to have such a childish thinking ever again. But I remember watching Dawson's Creek as a result, that was awesome! I loved it! Can't wait to watch the next season!!! Friday I was very lethargic though, don't know why, felt so tired. Saturday... Hectic day! My cousin's wedding. He's from my father's side of the family and he's the first to get married! CONGRATULATIONS Ah Xin kor kor and Fong Yee jie jie!!! I'm so happy for them! They have been dating for almost 9 years! Fong Yee jie jie has seen me since young and growing up =D Before the night wedding dinner, my mum and I went to do our hair, that was the first time I had such big curls in my hair. But it really added onto the wedding effect for me. I wore a white chifon(or however you spell it) dress which was rather similar to the tinkerbell outfit (bottom part) in Peter Pan the cartoon. Haha, my relatives commented that I look like a fairy. -.- Funny way to describe, but okay~ I was one of the receptionist there that night, asking 'hello, are you from the bride or groom's side' and slotting 'ang paos' into the box. The dinner wasn't too bad. I got to talk to one of my cousins, Yui Ern. She's the youngest next to me (I'm the baby of the family on my dad's side and the oldest on my mum's side) and she's already 19. I haven't talked to her for ages.. It was nice to catch up. Sunday I did some studying and went to Chinese tuition for 4 hours with Li Jun. *groans* That was so tiring. Monday.. The composition exams. For English, I wrote the 'Happiest day of my Teenage Life' question, about the Batu Pahat Trip, haha, Jun Ji wrote that too! =D For the Chinese compo, I wrote the first part a little drama, about 'Being Sick' and wrote the 'gong han', hopefully, I got the 'ge shi' right. Last night I was preparing like crazy for Chinese. 5 chapters. I didn't have time to read the storybook. Haha, I was revising Chinese till the last minute today, I kept staring at the word 'hua ji' then I kept the book when the test paper came. I read the meaning part, lo and behold, the meaning for 'hua ji' came out and I couldn't remember how to write the word! I was panicking like crazy! That was 2 marks per meaning! Phew, luckily I finally remembered. Today's test was easier than the last though, to me. The storybook questions, I read through and didn't know a single one, so I put all 'B's. Just trying my luck. Hope I can get at least 5 marks. Oh yes, today was also Shawn's birthday, Happy Birthday Shawn! =.) He was so generous, gave the class each such a big goody bag with so many gummies. Thank you!~ The sad thing today is though, my mother has left for a business trip to China. *sobs* I was so sad... In the morning before I left for school I *ahem* cried abit.. Hey.. I love my mum, and 10 days, I'll really miss her... I hope she has a safe trip.. Have to prepare for chinese presentation tomorrow and Literature worksheets now, so.. sayonara!~
p.s. Kirby, It's not that I don't visit your blog often, I do almost everyday. But most of your entries have been about your cell group recently, so I don't relate to that and don't know what to tag about that. But just because I don't tag, doesn't mean that I don't read your blog, understand? Hope you do~
Thursday, September 16, 2004
`+._ yAy!!! _.+`
Yes!!! I already got my SIMS 2!!! I bought it on Tuesday and am still playing it till today! =D It rocks! But one sad thing... The money code... It's per 1000 only, and it's so difficult to get more money so slowly! Any body knows the code please tell me!!! That will be greatly appreciated! Anyway, nothing much to say, I would have remembered if there was... Well, there is, but it's kind of personal to me =.) So I'll end here, GoOdNiGhT!~
Yes!!! I already got my SIMS 2!!! I bought it on Tuesday and am still playing it till today! =D It rocks! But one sad thing... The money code... It's per 1000 only, and it's so difficult to get more money so slowly! Any body knows the code please tell me!!! That will be greatly appreciated! Anyway, nothing much to say, I would have remembered if there was... Well, there is, but it's kind of personal to me =.) So I'll end here, GoOdNiGhT!~
Monday, September 13, 2004
`+._ sTaRt Of ScHoOl _.+`
Hi... Today I had to drag myself out of bed.. Was too lazy to go and put on my contacts so went to school with my glasses... I'm sure that will happen very often =P Haha, thank you to Marissa for that pack of bubble gum!!! When I reached school, I saw Maybellyn and Michelle's hair rebonded! Wow, never in a million years did I expect that to happen, but it looked okay, but just not like their old look last time, needs getting used to... Then... Art.. I love art, just sit down there and paint paint paint... Then English, CME, Science, Maths... I didn't even know there was a test today! I forgot to add in about the point etc etc... *Sighs* I know at least 2 marks are gone with the wind... Well.. I have started to feel really exhausted and weak, propbably because of my cough and now starting flu.. The feeling is so weird, as though I'm so fragile... Hope the feeling will pass in a few days... I shouldn't be in front of the com now, so I'm going to ajourne to my room, have to start revision, see you! GoOdNiGhT!~
Hi... Today I had to drag myself out of bed.. Was too lazy to go and put on my contacts so went to school with my glasses... I'm sure that will happen very often =P Haha, thank you to Marissa for that pack of bubble gum!!! When I reached school, I saw Maybellyn and Michelle's hair rebonded! Wow, never in a million years did I expect that to happen, but it looked okay, but just not like their old look last time, needs getting used to... Then... Art.. I love art, just sit down there and paint paint paint... Then English, CME, Science, Maths... I didn't even know there was a test today! I forgot to add in about the point etc etc... *Sighs* I know at least 2 marks are gone with the wind... Well.. I have started to feel really exhausted and weak, propbably because of my cough and now starting flu.. The feeling is so weird, as though I'm so fragile... Hope the feeling will pass in a few days... I shouldn't be in front of the com now, so I'm going to ajourne to my room, have to start revision, see you! GoOdNiGhT!~
Sunday, September 12, 2004
`+._ lOaDs Of FuN!!! _.+`
Hi!!! Yesterday was a blast! Woke up at 7am and got ready for the trip to Batu Pahat. John and Jun Ji met at my house first then we went to pick up Abygail. We were playing UNO at the customs, Harry Potter UNO *grins* I was so excited about getting to the plantation. When we reached my great uncle's clinic and met them, we headed for lunch and then on to the plantation!!! We took photos along the way. First, we went to the balcony and looked at the view. I took 2 video clips there. The view was absolutely beautiful. Then my great uncle brought us around the plantation. Fisrt, we went to harvest starfruits. My great uncle taught us how to see if the fruit was ripe or not. Then he just took one freshly plucked starfruit and ate it. As I was there to learn and try out new stuff, I also did something I never did before, I ate starfruit, fresh from the tree =D And you know what? It was sooooo sweet and juicy! We went on to harvest the bananas, do you know that one banana tree can only produce fruits once? My great uncle asked us many questions that required us to use our brains and think think think, but we gained alot of general knowledge. Before we set out for this trip, my great aunt had already asked me to bring crystal pineapple to plant, but sadly, the fruit seller cut off all the pineapple leaves, so we weren't able to personalise those pineapples. But we were allowed to take one pineapple each from ones that were already growing and we wrote our names on the leaves. We still planted the pineapples we brought, each one planted one. Phew, that was hard work. My muscles are still aching from lifting the hoe. We took a big round around the plantation and saw many stone boulders and a termites nest! *screams* By the time we reached the house again, I was quite tired, but still eager to go trekking. After resting for awhile, we headed off for the trek. We went through many palm oil trees, banana trees, and many others. (Aby and I tried naming all of them, cant think of the rest, but we already have near 20 species!) It was only at the plantation that I realised that all we had learnt in Geography and Science was put to good use. Along the road there was a man with a yellow shirt on a motorcylce driving up and down up and down, we saw him many times. He asked us where we were going, haha, and we said we were taking a walk. He must have thought we were nuts! *laughs* By the time we trekked about 4km, we were back at the plantation. Climbing up a short hill holding on to a black rubbery thing made our hands all black, hah, and I didn't know. I rubbed my nose and it became black! My mother also didn't know and used her black hands to rub it off for me! Haha, it was worse! Luckily there was a sink nearby! =P I was rather tired when we arrived back at the house on the plantation. The four of us (nick named F4) went to the verenda or patio, whichever you wish to call it, and just sat down there and talked while waiting for our turn to have a bath. It was really beautiful, greenery all around, so peaceful and quiet... We took pictures, especially John =P When Aby and I went for our bath, the guys were playing around with the camera and took a fair lot of photos, i'll put up the pictures on a web soon when I find the time.. I dearly wanted to see the sunset, but sadly the day was too cloudy.. We headed for dinner, steamboat dinner!! The sambal chilli was yummy!!! We drank wine as well. I think that was the first time I drank so much. I felt hot and floaty and my mum said my cheeks were getting rosy =) That's nice! Since the guys wanted to get gifts, we went shopping and ended up buying, Do, Mo and Kun! Do is mine, it's pink, Mo is John's which is blue and Kun is Jun Ji's which is brown! Haha, we looked so comical, three teens with soft toys! But I love Do! It's so cute! When we got back to the car, we took a picture of all three of them, so adorable!!! Bad news on the way back though, I started getting carsick, that was an extremely horrible feeling... But tried to distract my self from it. We saw a beautiful sight on the highway though, the endless sky filled with bright stars!!! There weren't any street lamps, so we could see them very clearly! The sight was breathtaking!!! I wanted to open the window but we were going too fast, so... Oh yes, the boys tried taking a picture of the night sky, but all the ended up with was the reflection of the camera!!! *laughs* We stopped for a toilet break and in the toilet, we heard the boys laughing about something and later found out that they brought the camera into the toilet and... took pictures of the toilet... Haha, it was rather hilarious. Well the rest of the way home was smooth traffic and by the time I reached home, it was around 1.15am. Abygail stayed over and we watched A Cinderella Story up till about 3am. Then we went on with girl's talk, about problems etc... Up till I heard the clock chime 4.30am. Whoa, by then, I was exhausted... So anyway... Today I didn't do much... Aby went home at 2pm after watching Princess Diaries 2... I can't believe the day I looked forward to so much had ended so soon... But it was definately a day to remember, it rocked!!! We said we definately wanted to go back there... But for now... I think I will go to bed it's already 1.13am... so i'll end it here.. GoOdNiGhT!~
Hi!!! Yesterday was a blast! Woke up at 7am and got ready for the trip to Batu Pahat. John and Jun Ji met at my house first then we went to pick up Abygail. We were playing UNO at the customs, Harry Potter UNO *grins* I was so excited about getting to the plantation. When we reached my great uncle's clinic and met them, we headed for lunch and then on to the plantation!!! We took photos along the way. First, we went to the balcony and looked at the view. I took 2 video clips there. The view was absolutely beautiful. Then my great uncle brought us around the plantation. Fisrt, we went to harvest starfruits. My great uncle taught us how to see if the fruit was ripe or not. Then he just took one freshly plucked starfruit and ate it. As I was there to learn and try out new stuff, I also did something I never did before, I ate starfruit, fresh from the tree =D And you know what? It was sooooo sweet and juicy! We went on to harvest the bananas, do you know that one banana tree can only produce fruits once? My great uncle asked us many questions that required us to use our brains and think think think, but we gained alot of general knowledge. Before we set out for this trip, my great aunt had already asked me to bring crystal pineapple to plant, but sadly, the fruit seller cut off all the pineapple leaves, so we weren't able to personalise those pineapples. But we were allowed to take one pineapple each from ones that were already growing and we wrote our names on the leaves. We still planted the pineapples we brought, each one planted one. Phew, that was hard work. My muscles are still aching from lifting the hoe. We took a big round around the plantation and saw many stone boulders and a termites nest! *screams* By the time we reached the house again, I was quite tired, but still eager to go trekking. After resting for awhile, we headed off for the trek. We went through many palm oil trees, banana trees, and many others. (Aby and I tried naming all of them, cant think of the rest, but we already have near 20 species!) It was only at the plantation that I realised that all we had learnt in Geography and Science was put to good use. Along the road there was a man with a yellow shirt on a motorcylce driving up and down up and down, we saw him many times. He asked us where we were going, haha, and we said we were taking a walk. He must have thought we were nuts! *laughs* By the time we trekked about 4km, we were back at the plantation. Climbing up a short hill holding on to a black rubbery thing made our hands all black, hah, and I didn't know. I rubbed my nose and it became black! My mother also didn't know and used her black hands to rub it off for me! Haha, it was worse! Luckily there was a sink nearby! =P I was rather tired when we arrived back at the house on the plantation. The four of us (nick named F4) went to the verenda or patio, whichever you wish to call it, and just sat down there and talked while waiting for our turn to have a bath. It was really beautiful, greenery all around, so peaceful and quiet... We took pictures, especially John =P When Aby and I went for our bath, the guys were playing around with the camera and took a fair lot of photos, i'll put up the pictures on a web soon when I find the time.. I dearly wanted to see the sunset, but sadly the day was too cloudy.. We headed for dinner, steamboat dinner!! The sambal chilli was yummy!!! We drank wine as well. I think that was the first time I drank so much. I felt hot and floaty and my mum said my cheeks were getting rosy =) That's nice! Since the guys wanted to get gifts, we went shopping and ended up buying, Do, Mo and Kun! Do is mine, it's pink, Mo is John's which is blue and Kun is Jun Ji's which is brown! Haha, we looked so comical, three teens with soft toys! But I love Do! It's so cute! When we got back to the car, we took a picture of all three of them, so adorable!!! Bad news on the way back though, I started getting carsick, that was an extremely horrible feeling... But tried to distract my self from it. We saw a beautiful sight on the highway though, the endless sky filled with bright stars!!! There weren't any street lamps, so we could see them very clearly! The sight was breathtaking!!! I wanted to open the window but we were going too fast, so... Oh yes, the boys tried taking a picture of the night sky, but all the ended up with was the reflection of the camera!!! *laughs* We stopped for a toilet break and in the toilet, we heard the boys laughing about something and later found out that they brought the camera into the toilet and... took pictures of the toilet... Haha, it was rather hilarious. Well the rest of the way home was smooth traffic and by the time I reached home, it was around 1.15am. Abygail stayed over and we watched A Cinderella Story up till about 3am. Then we went on with girl's talk, about problems etc... Up till I heard the clock chime 4.30am. Whoa, by then, I was exhausted... So anyway... Today I didn't do much... Aby went home at 2pm after watching Princess Diaries 2... I can't believe the day I looked forward to so much had ended so soon... But it was definately a day to remember, it rocked!!! We said we definately wanted to go back there... But for now... I think I will go to bed it's already 1.13am... so i'll end it here.. GoOdNiGhT!~
Friday, September 10, 2004
`+._ BiRtHdAyS! _.+`
Hi! I'm just making a quick entry, have to sleep soon. First my main objective is to wish some people happy birthday here!
To Vanessa, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Thanks for being there for me, best friends forever!
To Chung Son, HAPPY BIRTHDAY as well!!! Thanks for helping out with entre at one time, Goodluck for the end year tests!
And last but not least, to John's godsis, Qiu Jin, Happy Birthday! Though I don't know you, John told me your birthday is today too, so here's wishing you a happy birthday as well! =D
Bless all three of you and may all your wishes come true! *taps wand on heads* Haha, I know that's lame, but it's a way of showering blessings! =D
Anyway, I have to get to bed now, can't wait for tomorrow! I'm finally getting to go bakc to the plantation!!! yay! =D GoOdnIgHt EvErYoNe!~
Hi! I'm just making a quick entry, have to sleep soon. First my main objective is to wish some people happy birthday here!
To Vanessa, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Thanks for being there for me, best friends forever!
To Chung Son, HAPPY BIRTHDAY as well!!! Thanks for helping out with entre at one time, Goodluck for the end year tests!
And last but not least, to John's godsis, Qiu Jin, Happy Birthday! Though I don't know you, John told me your birthday is today too, so here's wishing you a happy birthday as well! =D
Bless all three of you and may all your wishes come true! *taps wand on heads* Haha, I know that's lame, but it's a way of showering blessings! =D
Anyway, I have to get to bed now, can't wait for tomorrow! I'm finally getting to go bakc to the plantation!!! yay! =D GoOdnIgHt EvErYoNe!~
Thursday, September 9, 2004
`+._ kIrB's BiRtHdAy PaRtY! _.+`
Hihi everyone! Last night I typed a really long entry, but my dear computer couldn't update it and all was lost *sighs*. My grandma drove me up the wall yesterday, gosh, I was so irritated with her. Well, I guess she's concerned, but it was a little 'guo fen'. She thinks I don't care about Chinese, when in fact, I care alot about Chinese. Just because I don't like to read Chinese story books, *sighs*... I heard from my grandma yesterday about how sly and cunning some maids can be. Can you believe that one maid baked all her employer's valuables in a CAKE? Some even put stolen valuables into their *ehem* sanitary napkins! Some exchange the valuables they stole with maids from the opposite house, so that when their employers check, they cannot accuse them! I wonder why the maids want to betray their employer's trust like that. My gandma's neighbour's maid had worked for my grandma's neighbour for six years, and he trusted that maid alot. But the maid stole $50 from his wallet every time he drew out $1000 from the bank! Of all the cheek. When she was found out, she was immediately sacked. All for what? Greed? Oh well... I've already cooled down about my grandma fussing over my studies, I just hope she knows that I've improved since mid-year, what else can I do, thank God my mother understands. Today morning I woke up and immediately started preparing for Vanessa's Surprise party. When we got to the beach, (kirbs haven't arrived yet), we put up the tent, *phew, that was tough* then mei chang and balarie came, followed by kirbs and lumps, last but not least, Jun Ji =D We went and played in the sea, that was SO FUN! Loved it... Except the part where there was so much salt water in my eyes, nose and mouth, that was rather stinging, but very fun! Then John, Jun Ji, kirbs, lumps and I went a little deeper into the water, whoa, luckily had the ball to float on *grins* We went for a shower and wanted to settle down and cut cake, have snacks, etc, when the wind started blowing strongly, everything went flying. We rushed to the shelter, then rushed to Eastern Lagoon, the hawker centre. Oh well.. Luckily we swam first. I had to leave earlier for tuition, so John and Jun Ji took a lift and went home too. The other girls stayed for dinner at the lagoon. My eyes were closing during tuition, I was so tired, but managed to concentrate.. My darling computer is giving me problems again. After going to windows update, all the icons seem to have shrunk, even the internet web page, *sighs* help! Oh yes, HAPPY BIRTHDAY LEE WEI! =D I'll end here for now~ SeE yOu!~
Hihi everyone! Last night I typed a really long entry, but my dear computer couldn't update it and all was lost *sighs*. My grandma drove me up the wall yesterday, gosh, I was so irritated with her. Well, I guess she's concerned, but it was a little 'guo fen'. She thinks I don't care about Chinese, when in fact, I care alot about Chinese. Just because I don't like to read Chinese story books, *sighs*... I heard from my grandma yesterday about how sly and cunning some maids can be. Can you believe that one maid baked all her employer's valuables in a CAKE? Some even put stolen valuables into their *ehem* sanitary napkins! Some exchange the valuables they stole with maids from the opposite house, so that when their employers check, they cannot accuse them! I wonder why the maids want to betray their employer's trust like that. My gandma's neighbour's maid had worked for my grandma's neighbour for six years, and he trusted that maid alot. But the maid stole $50 from his wallet every time he drew out $1000 from the bank! Of all the cheek. When she was found out, she was immediately sacked. All for what? Greed? Oh well... I've already cooled down about my grandma fussing over my studies, I just hope she knows that I've improved since mid-year, what else can I do, thank God my mother understands. Today morning I woke up and immediately started preparing for Vanessa's Surprise party. When we got to the beach, (kirbs haven't arrived yet), we put up the tent, *phew, that was tough* then mei chang and balarie came, followed by kirbs and lumps, last but not least, Jun Ji =D We went and played in the sea, that was SO FUN! Loved it... Except the part where there was so much salt water in my eyes, nose and mouth, that was rather stinging, but very fun! Then John, Jun Ji, kirbs, lumps and I went a little deeper into the water, whoa, luckily had the ball to float on *grins* We went for a shower and wanted to settle down and cut cake, have snacks, etc, when the wind started blowing strongly, everything went flying. We rushed to the shelter, then rushed to Eastern Lagoon, the hawker centre. Oh well.. Luckily we swam first. I had to leave earlier for tuition, so John and Jun Ji took a lift and went home too. The other girls stayed for dinner at the lagoon. My eyes were closing during tuition, I was so tired, but managed to concentrate.. My darling computer is giving me problems again. After going to windows update, all the icons seem to have shrunk, even the internet web page, *sighs* help! Oh yes, HAPPY BIRTHDAY LEE WEI! =D I'll end here for now~ SeE yOu!~
Wednesday, September 8, 2004
`+._ wHaT a DaY _.+`
Hi... Hm.. Today I had piano lessons in the morning and my teacher brought me the Harry Potter theme songs scores, yays!!! Then I went for my cousin's robotics competition at the Science Centre. Er.. It was okay? I didn't really see anything, not what I expected. Maybe I went too late. I only stayed for 10 minutes, then went to MacDonalds to meet my grandparents. During that time, my grandma was telling me about how sly and sneaky maids can be. Can you believe that some maids take their employer's valuables and bake it into a CAKE? Oh my goodness... Some maids exchange their owner's valuables with the maid opposite, so that their owners can't catch them. My grandparent's neighbour's maid took $50 from his wallet when he hung his pants up to bathe every time after he drew out $1000 from the bank, and she woked for him for 6 years! I really wonder why maids want to betray their owner's trust like that.. I heard my grandparent's neighbour trusted that maid alot, but sacked her immediately after she was caught red-handed. My grandma told me that my previous maid called her, to ask her to help her get out of her current job, because she can't stand the owner.. Oh well.. My grandma couldn't do anything though, doing something would be illegal. I heard before, that some maids even put valuables stolen from their employers into *ehem* sanitary pads... What can I say? The best part of today was HIP HOP!!! But the new moves today were kind of more sexual that usual, but it was fun all the same! We are preparing for the concert at the end of the year. When we reached home, my grandma started nagging and nagging all about my studies. Especially Chinese. Oh my God she drove me up the wall. I was so heated up. She thinks I don't care about Chinese, I study very hard for Chinese!!! Harder than any other subject, except Literature that is. Just because I don't like reading Chinese story books doesn't mean I don't care about Chinese. Her thinking is so old fashioned, it's totally different from mine. It's rather unreasonable. Thank goodness my mum isn't like that. My grandma still called my mum up and complained to her. Luckily my mum understands me. My mum trusts me with my studies, I guess that is what makes me want to study harder and not let her down. Gosh, I find myself disliking Chinese when my grnadma nags. Maybe it's the rebellious streak in all teenagers, though some have bigger rebellious streaks than others. Thank goodness my streak isn't too big. I enjoy Chinese tuition, I don't hate it, argh! Why can't she understand. My grandma says my studies are deproving. My studies are better than mid year! Much better! She doesn't understand that. I'm still rather sore about that, but, oh well, forget it. I guess she is very concerned and cares, but this is too much! Anyway, I'm sure I would have calmed down by tomorrow, but I'm sure that tomorrow she's going to nag at me for something else, I'll relate that tomorrow. Hope kirby likes her present =D. Oh yes, and HAPPY BIRTHDAY LEE WEI! =D. It's already 1.26am... so... GoOdNiGhTs!~
Hi... Hm.. Today I had piano lessons in the morning and my teacher brought me the Harry Potter theme songs scores, yays!!! Then I went for my cousin's robotics competition at the Science Centre. Er.. It was okay? I didn't really see anything, not what I expected. Maybe I went too late. I only stayed for 10 minutes, then went to MacDonalds to meet my grandparents. During that time, my grandma was telling me about how sly and sneaky maids can be. Can you believe that some maids take their employer's valuables and bake it into a CAKE? Oh my goodness... Some maids exchange their owner's valuables with the maid opposite, so that their owners can't catch them. My grandparent's neighbour's maid took $50 from his wallet when he hung his pants up to bathe every time after he drew out $1000 from the bank, and she woked for him for 6 years! I really wonder why maids want to betray their owner's trust like that.. I heard my grandparent's neighbour trusted that maid alot, but sacked her immediately after she was caught red-handed. My grandma told me that my previous maid called her, to ask her to help her get out of her current job, because she can't stand the owner.. Oh well.. My grandma couldn't do anything though, doing something would be illegal. I heard before, that some maids even put valuables stolen from their employers into *ehem* sanitary pads... What can I say? The best part of today was HIP HOP!!! But the new moves today were kind of more sexual that usual, but it was fun all the same! We are preparing for the concert at the end of the year. When we reached home, my grandma started nagging and nagging all about my studies. Especially Chinese. Oh my God she drove me up the wall. I was so heated up. She thinks I don't care about Chinese, I study very hard for Chinese!!! Harder than any other subject, except Literature that is. Just because I don't like reading Chinese story books doesn't mean I don't care about Chinese. Her thinking is so old fashioned, it's totally different from mine. It's rather unreasonable. Thank goodness my mum isn't like that. My grandma still called my mum up and complained to her. Luckily my mum understands me. My mum trusts me with my studies, I guess that is what makes me want to study harder and not let her down. Gosh, I find myself disliking Chinese when my grnadma nags. Maybe it's the rebellious streak in all teenagers, though some have bigger rebellious streaks than others. Thank goodness my streak isn't too big. I enjoy Chinese tuition, I don't hate it, argh! Why can't she understand. My grandma says my studies are deproving. My studies are better than mid year! Much better! She doesn't understand that. I'm still rather sore about that, but, oh well, forget it. I guess she is very concerned and cares, but this is too much! Anyway, I'm sure I would have calmed down by tomorrow, but I'm sure that tomorrow she's going to nag at me for something else, I'll relate that tomorrow. Hope kirby likes her present =D. Oh yes, and HAPPY BIRTHDAY LEE WEI! =D. It's already 1.26am... so... GoOdNiGhTs!~
Tuesday, September 7, 2004
`+._ tHiNkInG _.+`
Just to add on to today's update, this entry is more focused on my thoughts. Yesterday Zoe and I were discussing about which type of girls guys like. Well, I don't know but maybe we girls just don't know how guys mind work. I often wonder whether guys who will give up everything for the girl he loves , like the guys in Korean Dramas, I really wonder whether they exist. It seems like a fairytale to me, how I long to experience that kind of love. I wish I had a close guy friend whom I could just tell anything to him without worrying whether he will find me irritating, whether he will let the cat out of the bag and is loyal. Watching so many Korean dramas, I want to have a guy who will be there for me to protect me and defend me as well. I don't know what guys look for in girls and the only person I can ask now without feeling awkward is my dad. I thought I used to have good guy friends, but I don't know, guys are hard to understand to me. I wish I was like Hermione, to have two great guy friends like Harry and Ron to count on at all times. Maybe that's the reason why I've always wanted an older brother. I'm not the type of person to go around scouting for guys with the best looks or anything, I go more for guys with substance. But if the guy has looks, well then that's a bonus =.D I mean, I'm like every other normal girl who notices cute guys, that's definately normal, but even though some are very good looking, if they are jerks, then I wouldn't even give the guy a second thought. But I guess the guy must at least be taller and older than me or same age as me. Not too much older though, the most 4 years, but now, the guys are still currently growing, guys my age that is... I guess I'm the kind of girl who is kind of old fashioned, I still believe that it's always the guy who should make the first move, I don't know why, it just seems more adequete to me. Well... I still have a long long way to go, so I'll just patiently wait for Mr.Right to come~ *grins* Oh yes, I watched two shows just now, The Bachelorette and Who Wants to Marry My Dad. Well these kind of shows are entertaining to a certain extent, but... I don't know, can you really find the Mr or Ms Right within that circle of men/women? And If I was one of the girls in The Bachelor, I wouldn't want the guy I love to kiss so many women, love so many women at one time right? I don't know, it seems weird to me. Anyway, I'm getting rather tired, so... GoOdNiGhT~*
Just to add on to today's update, this entry is more focused on my thoughts. Yesterday Zoe and I were discussing about which type of girls guys like. Well, I don't know but maybe we girls just don't know how guys mind work. I often wonder whether guys who will give up everything for the girl he loves , like the guys in Korean Dramas, I really wonder whether they exist. It seems like a fairytale to me, how I long to experience that kind of love. I wish I had a close guy friend whom I could just tell anything to him without worrying whether he will find me irritating, whether he will let the cat out of the bag and is loyal. Watching so many Korean dramas, I want to have a guy who will be there for me to protect me and defend me as well. I don't know what guys look for in girls and the only person I can ask now without feeling awkward is my dad. I thought I used to have good guy friends, but I don't know, guys are hard to understand to me. I wish I was like Hermione, to have two great guy friends like Harry and Ron to count on at all times. Maybe that's the reason why I've always wanted an older brother. I'm not the type of person to go around scouting for guys with the best looks or anything, I go more for guys with substance. But if the guy has looks, well then that's a bonus =.D I mean, I'm like every other normal girl who notices cute guys, that's definately normal, but even though some are very good looking, if they are jerks, then I wouldn't even give the guy a second thought. But I guess the guy must at least be taller and older than me or same age as me. Not too much older though, the most 4 years, but now, the guys are still currently growing, guys my age that is... I guess I'm the kind of girl who is kind of old fashioned, I still believe that it's always the guy who should make the first move, I don't know why, it just seems more adequete to me. Well... I still have a long long way to go, so I'll just patiently wait for Mr.Right to come~ *grins* Oh yes, I watched two shows just now, The Bachelorette and Who Wants to Marry My Dad. Well these kind of shows are entertaining to a certain extent, but... I don't know, can you really find the Mr or Ms Right within that circle of men/women? And If I was one of the girls in The Bachelor, I wouldn't want the guy I love to kiss so many women, love so many women at one time right? I don't know, it seems weird to me. Anyway, I'm getting rather tired, so... GoOdNiGhT~*
=[ sTuDy... ]=
Hi, today I woke up at about 11.30am.. Ate lunch at home and watched Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban again *grins* 7th time and still counting =.D Then I proceeded on to make Literature notes, *grimaces* it took me 3 hours to write down the notes for ONE chapter, it was kind of tiring, did some sit-ups, (want to cut down more weight) and had a bath... I know my entries now a days are boring, just usual day to day stuff, but I'm not in a very hyped up mood to write and discuss different topics. Exams are in a month, sigh, so much to do, so little time.. I was so happy last night, I found the Harry Potter fonts, they rock! I came across the wierdest site today, it's also some kind of a blog, but I think that person must be an enormous Harry Potter fan who has completely lost her senses, it's kind of freaky. But I won't tell the web address as I don't think it's nice to put people blog address unless you come across it yourself. Anyway, I'm getting quite sick of chapter 1 of The Outsiders *groans* I can't wait to go for hip hop tomorrow, it rocks!!! Anyway, I'm entertaining myself by looking through Harry Potter Sites online now, so.. GoODbYe!~

be sorted @ nimbo.net
Hi, today I woke up at about 11.30am.. Ate lunch at home and watched Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban again *grins* 7th time and still counting =.D Then I proceeded on to make Literature notes, *grimaces* it took me 3 hours to write down the notes for ONE chapter, it was kind of tiring, did some sit-ups, (want to cut down more weight) and had a bath... I know my entries now a days are boring, just usual day to day stuff, but I'm not in a very hyped up mood to write and discuss different topics. Exams are in a month, sigh, so much to do, so little time.. I was so happy last night, I found the Harry Potter fonts, they rock! I came across the wierdest site today, it's also some kind of a blog, but I think that person must be an enormous Harry Potter fan who has completely lost her senses, it's kind of freaky. But I won't tell the web address as I don't think it's nice to put people blog address unless you come across it yourself. Anyway, I'm getting quite sick of chapter 1 of The Outsiders *groans* I can't wait to go for hip hop tomorrow, it rocks!!! Anyway, I'm entertaining myself by looking through Harry Potter Sites online now, so.. GoODbYe!~
be sorted @ nimbo.net
Monday, September 6, 2004
=[ rEcAlLiNg... ]=
Hi everyone.. Well.. I went for tuition yesterday morning, and then came back to pack my closet till late in the night, so there's nothing much interesting about yesterday... By the way, thank you En Chou for helping me with my speaker, there is sound now! *so happy!* Today was Shawn's Birthday Party, he was so nice, treat us for bowling at Safra and lunch at Macdonlads, Zoe and I felt so bad... Anyway, after lunch we went to play badminton, that was fun, I got a good workout, but I must remind myself to never play badminton in three quater pants ever again! Then we went to Shawn's house for dinner and in between, the guys were playing with the Play Station. There was this really cute game! Haha, it was hilarious too especially when the player keeps dropping. The food was yummy! A big thank you to Shawn's mother for dinner~ Then some played cards, some played PS2 and some played on the computer. All in all, today was fun! Thank you Shawn for inviting me =.) I got back around 8.30pm and was sooo tired. Had a bath and was more refreshed. So I started on my blog. I like the extra things I have done to my blog, and I FOUND MUSIC FOR IT!!! WOOHOO!!! Trust me, all that took me ages.. And I still can't figure out how to make the words at the bottom of the page move like Zoe+Shaun and Yuan's blogs... Help me anyone??? Please??? Okay, anyway, I think I have said enough for one day, so... GoOdNiGhT!
Hi everyone.. Well.. I went for tuition yesterday morning, and then came back to pack my closet till late in the night, so there's nothing much interesting about yesterday... By the way, thank you En Chou for helping me with my speaker, there is sound now! *so happy!* Today was Shawn's Birthday Party, he was so nice, treat us for bowling at Safra and lunch at Macdonlads, Zoe and I felt so bad... Anyway, after lunch we went to play badminton, that was fun, I got a good workout, but I must remind myself to never play badminton in three quater pants ever again! Then we went to Shawn's house for dinner and in between, the guys were playing with the Play Station. There was this really cute game! Haha, it was hilarious too especially when the player keeps dropping. The food was yummy! A big thank you to Shawn's mother for dinner~ Then some played cards, some played PS2 and some played on the computer. All in all, today was fun! Thank you Shawn for inviting me =.) I got back around 8.30pm and was sooo tired. Had a bath and was more refreshed. So I started on my blog. I like the extra things I have done to my blog, and I FOUND MUSIC FOR IT!!! WOOHOO!!! Trust me, all that took me ages.. And I still can't figure out how to make the words at the bottom of the page move like Zoe+Shaun and Yuan's blogs... Help me anyone??? Please??? Okay, anyway, I think I have said enough for one day, so... GoOdNiGhT!
Saturday, September 4, 2004
=[ sHoPpInG! ]
Hi, before I start on today's events, I just want to add in something that happened yesterday which I forgot to add in, it is quite funny. It was raining after school yesterday and Maxine and I were at the bus-stop. Max told me that 229 came so I rushed onto the bus the minute it reached the bus-stop to prevent myself from getting wet. It was only after when I was on the bus then I realised that it wasn't the 229 route. Haha, I panicked and got off the next stop, but for the next 10 minutes, no bus passed and I realised I was short on change. I suddenly became aware that there were many taxis passing, so in the end I took a taxi home. The funniest thing was that the taxi driver ask me how come I'm at the side towards tampines instead of East Coast. Haha, so embarrasing. Anyway, today's workshop was great, at least it wasn't boring. We learnt something from the trainer's name, ABU meaning, Always Believ in Urself. Then When I came home, I was surprised to find my uncle, his girlfriend and my kid cousins at my house. Whoa, those kids are so active. They are at the stage where they keep asking, "Who's your boyfriend, who's your boyfriend?" Haha, they look @ my class photo and entrepreneurship photo and tried to guess, they refused to believe me when I said I don't have any. *amused* My guy cousin went to surf the net for Happy Tree Friends, oh my goodness, he's only Primary 4 and he's looking at such violence. Anyway, my mother and I went shopping at parkway after that, look around for so long, 5 hours! Our backs and legs were aching. Came back for dinner. My grandma cooked 'Yi Min'. It was delicious! Anyway, I'm really tired now, so... see you!~ GoOdNiGhT!!~~
Hi, before I start on today's events, I just want to add in something that happened yesterday which I forgot to add in, it is quite funny. It was raining after school yesterday and Maxine and I were at the bus-stop. Max told me that 229 came so I rushed onto the bus the minute it reached the bus-stop to prevent myself from getting wet. It was only after when I was on the bus then I realised that it wasn't the 229 route. Haha, I panicked and got off the next stop, but for the next 10 minutes, no bus passed and I realised I was short on change. I suddenly became aware that there were many taxis passing, so in the end I took a taxi home. The funniest thing was that the taxi driver ask me how come I'm at the side towards tampines instead of East Coast. Haha, so embarrasing. Anyway, today's workshop was great, at least it wasn't boring. We learnt something from the trainer's name, ABU meaning, Always Believ in Urself. Then When I came home, I was surprised to find my uncle, his girlfriend and my kid cousins at my house. Whoa, those kids are so active. They are at the stage where they keep asking, "Who's your boyfriend, who's your boyfriend?" Haha, they look @ my class photo and entrepreneurship photo and tried to guess, they refused to believe me when I said I don't have any. *amused* My guy cousin went to surf the net for Happy Tree Friends, oh my goodness, he's only Primary 4 and he's looking at such violence. Anyway, my mother and I went shopping at parkway after that, look around for so long, 5 hours! Our backs and legs were aching. Came back for dinner. My grandma cooked 'Yi Min'. It was delicious! Anyway, I'm really tired now, so... see you!~ GoOdNiGhT!!~~
Friday, September 3, 2004
=[ pRoGrEsS rEpOrT cArD ]=
Hi! Well, I was actually dreading today as we were getting back our progress report cards. I expected that I didn't do well. But luckily, I got not too bad marks, 7th in class, well, I could have done better.. For English and Literature I each miss by ONE mark to get A1 and A2 respectively, sickening right? My Geography and Maths got 92, those are the two subjects I'm so proud of!! But since Kang Yu got 1st for Geography, I couldn't top Geography and got 2nd, oh well, I will work harder. *sobs* *grumbles at Kang Yu* 'Just kidding'.. But congratulations to Kang Yu all the same for topping the class, and congrats to Maxine who improved so much! Jia You! One thing about me though, I'm not the competitive type, I'm pretty satisfied with the results I got this year and just hope that I can maintain it. Today I finished watching Summers Scent, *sighs in contentment* Aw.. It was so sweet.. My family and I went for dinner at Swensens tonight, the fries are delicious!! Anyway, nothing much happened today, have to go to school for entrepreneurship workshop tomorrow, so... see you & GoOdNiGhT!
Hi! Well, I was actually dreading today as we were getting back our progress report cards. I expected that I didn't do well. But luckily, I got not too bad marks, 7th in class, well, I could have done better.. For English and Literature I each miss by ONE mark to get A1 and A2 respectively, sickening right? My Geography and Maths got 92, those are the two subjects I'm so proud of!! But since Kang Yu got 1st for Geography, I couldn't top Geography and got 2nd, oh well, I will work harder. *sobs* *grumbles at Kang Yu* 'Just kidding'.. But congratulations to Kang Yu all the same for topping the class, and congrats to Maxine who improved so much! Jia You! One thing about me though, I'm not the competitive type, I'm pretty satisfied with the results I got this year and just hope that I can maintain it. Today I finished watching Summers Scent, *sighs in contentment* Aw.. It was so sweet.. My family and I went for dinner at Swensens tonight, the fries are delicious!! Anyway, nothing much happened today, have to go to school for entrepreneurship workshop tomorrow, so... see you & GoOdNiGhT!
Thursday, September 2, 2004
=[ hM.. wHaT tO wRiTe? ]=
Well, Vanessa, Li Ling and I went to watch The Stepford Wives yesterday and I must say it was quite funny. Moral of the story: No one is perfect, eveyone has flaws, therefore, accept the person as he/she is. We were supposed to go with Henry and Justin as well, but Henry was snoring in bed, so end up they didn't go, maybe for the best. Before the movie, we went for lunch and walked around. There's something I want to say, but I'll keep it for another day, it's a surprise =P I'm feeling a little irritated with someone right now, but I shall keep my mouth shut. Sometimes I think 'hao xin mei hao bao'. But oh well... We wanted to take neoprints, but I was already late to go somewhere else, so had to postpone. *sorry kirbs and lumps* I rushed to Anchorpoint to get my hair done and guess what? I missed half of my hip hop class. Luckily it wasn't the actual teacher today. A young guy took over the class for today and he went FAST. But the moves weren't as good in my opinion. At first I though my hair looked nice. Argh, now it looks so weird. The hairdresser thin the bottom part way too much, and layered the top too much, it looks so horrible!!! I'm never going to let her cut again, but I gotta live with it first, oh well... Luckily my hair grows fast. Today... had PE, then it rained. It was great, so cool and refreshing, I wish I could play in it. Anyway, I came back, slept and went for tuition. I have to start studying hard for my end year exams already. Alot more notes to be made. Had dinner and practised my piano.. Now... after I finish typing this entry, I have to get started on the comprehension. So... See You!~
Well, Vanessa, Li Ling and I went to watch The Stepford Wives yesterday and I must say it was quite funny. Moral of the story: No one is perfect, eveyone has flaws, therefore, accept the person as he/she is. We were supposed to go with Henry and Justin as well, but Henry was snoring in bed, so end up they didn't go, maybe for the best. Before the movie, we went for lunch and walked around. There's something I want to say, but I'll keep it for another day, it's a surprise =P I'm feeling a little irritated with someone right now, but I shall keep my mouth shut. Sometimes I think 'hao xin mei hao bao'. But oh well... We wanted to take neoprints, but I was already late to go somewhere else, so had to postpone. *sorry kirbs and lumps* I rushed to Anchorpoint to get my hair done and guess what? I missed half of my hip hop class. Luckily it wasn't the actual teacher today. A young guy took over the class for today and he went FAST. But the moves weren't as good in my opinion. At first I though my hair looked nice. Argh, now it looks so weird. The hairdresser thin the bottom part way too much, and layered the top too much, it looks so horrible!!! I'm never going to let her cut again, but I gotta live with it first, oh well... Luckily my hair grows fast. Today... had PE, then it rained. It was great, so cool and refreshing, I wish I could play in it. Anyway, I came back, slept and went for tuition. I have to start studying hard for my end year exams already. Alot more notes to be made. Had dinner and practised my piano.. Now... after I finish typing this entry, I have to get started on the comprehension. So... See You!~
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