The OAC Handover
After 6 months of blood, sweat and tears, it was finally time for the OAC handover. The times we have quarrelled with each other, encouraged each other, seek comfort in each other, worked together, had fun together, learned together and supported each other, all came down to this day.
I couldn't imagine what the seniors would first want us to accomplish before the handover. In time, I found out. It was the toughest training I ever had. The day started off with running the titans route twice, with 7kg backpack, the guys had to carry 12kg. That means it's about 10km. It was an individual run, which meant that there was no one to encourage me and push me on. In all my life, I had never once pushed my physical limits and it was only with the help of my teammates and the seniors that I can achieve the physical standard that I have now. Initially, I did not know that we were required to run the route twice, I only thought we had to do it once. Then, my goal was to jog the 5km Titan’s route without stopping. That would be my first time doing so. I told myself, 'if you stop, then you are quitting' I did not want to quit. Therefore, no matter how tired I was, I pushed on, and managed to do so faster than I have done before. However, when I realized that that was not the end of the run, I felt so puzzled and let down. I literally had to force myself to keep on jogging. I just kept telling myself that for this run, what mattered to me was not the speed in which I was able to complete it, however, it was the endurance in which I subjected myself to without stopping. I myself knew that I was jogging extremely slowly, I wanted to speed up, but then I failed myself by not being able to do so. That was one part I was extremely disappointed in myself. I promise myself that I would persevere on and with a faster speed next time. To improve oneself for the betterment of the team. That's our motto.
I love my teammates to bits now. They are my extended family in which I feel I have 12 older brothers and sisters who will watch out for me. That kind of a feeling is like none other. It's the kind of warm feeling you get that you belong. At the last part of the run, when I slowly met up with all my team mates and they ran the last lap with me, I felt energized and with them running with me, I had the kind of feeling that they would support me and encourage me in any situation. I'm just following my intuition, and I definitely hope it's right =).
After the run, when we gathered at the tool shed, Alex wanted to talk to the team. He wanted to quit OAC because of the problems he was facing. We all talked to him for a while and let him make his decision. I'm so glad he was strong enough to chose to stay for I couldn't bear it if any member was to quit the team now. We are a family! The phrase 'We've got your back' is there. However, there definitely are times when we quarrel and disagree. Well, if we didn’t, then that would be a little too unrealistic.
Next, was 3 times of the log obstacle, carrying our backpacks and the 90kg log. I was so fatigue but everyone was working so hard, so I did the best I could as well. Those are one of the times when all of us are panicking to reach the time limit that we start shouting at each other to communicate. With everyone worn out by the 10km run, our tempers were running short and we were easily irritated. However, seeing the guys work so hard to carry the log while running from destination to destination, it really made me have the will to put in all my effort to help lighten the load or take more load so that we could complete the obstacles faster. Time was essential during log obstacle, therefore, everyone worked very hard together, and even though we were rather short tempered, we still gave it our best attempt. I felt a surge of pride for Kimberly, Samantha and Yin Wei who continued to persevere even though they had injuries. That was truly showing the Oacian spirit.
Subsequently, it was time for camp craft. We were to build the structure 'suicide window'. That consisted of 4 square lashes, and 2 round lashes. We had to eat our standard lunch as well within that 1h20min. Sadly, we did not manage to complete it even though given 10mins extension. Our punishment was to run the track within 2mins. We failed till the last round. We had to run 3 times. My goodness... I felt so faint, breathless and dizzy. I was so scared. Thanks to Kar Gea who made me compose myself. Well, we didn't manage to do the structure as well as planned, so... it was wash-up time then we headed back to the long jump area.
There is a track line there and we had to build a human pyramid. Wei Kheam, Wai Kit, Kai Sheng, Eng Wei and Li Yuan were at the bottom. Then the rest, I couldn't remember because we were all rushing to accomplish it within the given time. That was rather interesting, the lower height form of cheerleading, only difference, I was at the top of the pyramid instead of the back supporter. Next activity was the conveyer belt. Gosh.. that was.. er.. painful, yet oddly fun if you consider being squashed till you scream to be fun. Haha.. we were supposed to hold hands and roll towards the sand area. Two rows of six, one on top of the other, and roll without letting go of our hands. I was getting stomach cramps from all the shouting and laughing that went on. Eng Wei, Wei Kheam and Wai Kit were hilarious. I was in between Alex and Wai Kit and every time someone went over me, I felt so winded. Once we reached the sand area, I ate sand. *Shudder* Haha, all in all, it was rather fun, one of the weird team bonding games seniors make juniors do.
Then after the fun, we had to do push-ups. One push up for every letter, and one for each word completed. That was our hand over pledge. In total, that's about 161 push-ups. My hands and knees were so sore and numb from putting my weight on the roughness of the track.
I had to leave early for my dance class, however, no matter how tough the training had been, I always look forward to the next OAC training with zest and enthusiasm as no matter what toughness and hardship we have to go through, I know my team mates will be there for me always.
In the end, what I will come to cherish about OAC and benefit from OAC in the future is the strong bond of friendship formed between the team, being able to take the mental and physical toughness that I will definitely come across in life. OAC has not only taught me to be strong physically, but emotionally as well. I find that extremely important, a lesson than one cannot learn simply from reading a book. Besides that, the ‘dare-to-try’ spirit is of extremely vital when it comes to taking chances, for if you do not dare to try, you may never know what you are missing out on.
To my team mates, Samantha, Amanda, Yan Ling, Yin Wei, Kimberly, Li Yuan, Liesel, Wei Kheam, Eng Wei, Kai Sheng, Alex, Wai Kit, Thank you so much. You guys rock =D
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