A friend just casually mentioned that he didn't believe in the ability of words to move a person to tears, i.e. me. I thought about it and realized that he might actually be right. Words contain meaning, but they would be meaningless unless you could identify with what they are trying to convey. A common experience, a common emotion, a common situation. That's how people connect on deeper levels anyways. Through reading other people's experiences, emotions and thoughts put into words, I realized bit by bit how similar we all actually are. The other person may be a complete stranger, but yet, upon reading entries that you can identify with, there's this urge to reach out to the person and say, "I know how that feels, I've felt that way before too.."
It's like a silken web of threads, so fine and normally unnoticed by those who don't take the time to look, but yet so strong that pulling on one heartstring inevitably pulls at the millions it is connected to around the world. The beauty of it all is that it sends a simple message to everyone out there that, you're never alone in this world, no matter how bad an experience may seem to be, someone else knows how it feels too, and there's someone out there who can possibly understand what you're going through.
That thought is somehow reassuring for me, it makes me realize that the world is so much bigger than ourselves and our little problems that seem disastrous at the moment. Sometimes maybe we should just close our eyes, realize how lucky we are and appreciate what we have. When you see the world in a new light with clearer eyes, you'll realize life is simple after all..
It's really humbling, try it =)
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