Saturday, October 2, 2004

`+._ HaRrY pOtTeR mAd _.+`

Hi everyone! So sorry for not updating... Well, I've been juggling studies and recreational time so as to not drive myself crazy studying. For some weird reason, everytime there's an exam nearing, I will have this urge to do something else, last year it was something else, this year, it's reading Harry Potter Fanfictions. Everytime I read one, I get glued to it, so I have to control and limit myself. I tend to scream at the authors inside on how come Lily and James were so stupid as to not let Professor Dumbledore be their secret keeper, that way Harry would still have parents, but then again, there wouldn't be a story, so.. oh well... I wish J.K Rowling didn't let Sirius die in the 5th book, now Harry has no one. But people say that the reason J.K Rowling wanted Sirius to die would be revealed in the 6th book. Hope it is. I really wish that Harry would emerge triumphant in the last book, and live through it. But who knows? Websites also said that after the 4th movie, Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson and Rupert Grint will not be acting anymore. Then I wouldn't watch it. It just doesn't seem right. I'm sure those who are fans also agree with me.. =D Erm.. to those who don't know a single thing about Harry Potter, this entry might be a little mind boggling, apologies.. My dad has agreed to look for Harry Potter things for me, bless him! =D Since it is so difficult to find Harry Potter merchandises in Singapore, my dad has so generously agreed to look for them for me abroad! *so grateful* Well, I'm rather worried about the exams, after the first two exams, (Science and Chinese) is over, I'll let out a big sigh, but then there'll still be Maths, Geography and Literature, at least those I'm not as worried about. After next week, PHEW!! The following exams aren't as stressful... I attempted changing my blog's skin, but.. decided against it, not as nice, to me that is, I love this skin! =D Anyway, I'll be doing my homework now, sEe YoU aRoUnD!~

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